Chapter 6 Falling thought the air

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The boxs spearted and started spinning. I hate hights ! Shouts Venomous Shadow. Mark Struggles. Zurui had her eyes shut as she was grunting. Mark shouts. June Laughs insanely. This is so much fun ! Laughs June. Mark couldn't believe June would find this fun. We're not gonna make it ! Zurui yells over the comlink. Waller please ! Begs Jared. Venomous Shadow,Dollface and M ninja were screaming. I don't want to die ! Screams Clara.

Remember this feeling convixs I hold your lives in my hands Waller says over the comlink.

You crazy bitch ! Open the damn shoot ! Mark screams trying to get free. Do it now ! Mark screams

Mark suddenly begins to feel woozy feeling himself black out.

Flashback, Mark your still honorable karai says as she leans on Mark's shoulder. Mark sighs heavily. Where are we ? Mark asks. A bedroom they put us here after Tigerclaw knocked you out, Shredder told them to take us to here and give actually food Karai explains. Why ? Mark Asks. I do not know I gusse Shredder took pity on me Karai says as she looks at the ground. Mark looks at the door. Was it locked ? Mark waked up to the door and started pulling on the door trying to opening up the door. Ah ! Mark screams as he he feels his wound side. Karai gentle grabbed Mark and pulled him to the bed. It's no use they locked She whispers as she pulls the covers over them. We need to escape Mark Whispers. We will but just rest you need to heal Karai whispers as she plants a kiss on his lips. Mark kissed back. I love you Mark tells her as he counties to kiss her. I love you too Mark Karai whispers as the two continue to kiss.

Mark was back in reality as the metal box opened up and Mark was falling though the air along with the others. Suddenly pairshots shot out and they begin to guide to the ground. Zurui's pairshot got out of hand started sparring towards the ground untile Her brother caught and broke there fall by falling on a car. Thank you sighs Zurui in relife. The Mutant gives her a smile. The other villains land on the ground. Where's June ? asks Mark. It's okay I landed on my head ! Yells June as she was balancing on her head. Mark looks at her with a look of disbelief. M ninja helps her up. Are you okay ? M ninja asks her. Oh yeah I'm totally fine Says June exitedly. Mark just Shacks his head. As he saw the plane land in front of them and Rick flag and Katana stepped out. Our contact is this way come on Rick says. Are you serious we just got dropped from a f*****k plane ! And you expects us to follow you ! Jared growls. Rick growls at him. I expect you to walk it off and follow orders ! Your forgetting Monkey boy ! I can blow off your god damn head off ! Rick shouts at Jared. Jared glares before sighing in defeat. That's what I thought now move your asses ! Rick says. How do we get to ronda vopoint with being seen Mark asks Flag. Your fimalier with the swears right ? Rick asks Mark. A little yes Mark replies. Why do you asks that Ricky ? June asks. Katana lifts up the manhole cover and everyone looks in. Gross mutters Dollface. Sorry I asked Mumbles June.

The Squad walked though the swears  following Katana and Flag. A few more miles Katana imforms the squad. Keep moving  then Mark tells the others. June groans. Jared acidently steps on a dead rat that was underwater. Gah ! This is flipping bonkers ! Slashing thought swears so the turtles won't spot us ! Jared exclaims. The others look at him. Mark walks up to him. You wanna head top side slick ? Be my gusse Mark tells him as the others smirk at him. Nah we're partial there Jared quickly says. Yeah that's what I thought Mark says as he countries walking.

The villains arrived at thire contact climbing out of the swears. The Purple Dragons lair. Now your contact is in there Rick whispers to Mark. I'm not really on best terms with thire leader Hun Mark whispers back. I know, will be out here if you need back up Rick whispers. Mark nods as he knocks on the door. Pass word says the guy behind the door. Dragons says Mark. We gotta change you pass word mutters the guy as opens the door. The team followes the guy to Hun's office which was a theater stage. Boss you gust are here says the guy. Yes bring them here says Hun who sitting at his desk. Mark looks at him. Welcome to the dragons brew I'm just finishing my supper says Hun eating a cooked chicken leg.

Pardon me Mr. Hun says Mark trying to be polite. Jones ? Oh I never payed Flame for a team player Gruffs Hun. Oh things are tough all over sir says Mark. Hun chuckles. That's a good one Laughs Hun. This man is the best Assine I've ever seen Hun says to one of his men and I only work with the best says Hun. I'm pleased Mr. Hun, I've been told you can get us to Tcri ? asks Mark. Yes but first Hun says as two men grabs Mark and slams him on a table.

What the hell is this ? Mark growls as he struggles as Hun's men ties Mark's arms behind his back. Make sure he doesn't use his powers Says one of the men as the other man tases Mark's neck. The other villains smirk at Mark not willing to help the ninja. June however watchs in concern. Okay men kill the trator Smirks Hun as the man puts a gun to Mark's head.

Athour's note: Oh no Mark's in trouble and the others are just watching what's going to happen ?

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