Ch.39 Mark vs Tigerclaw

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It had been 5 minutes and Mark was still kissing Karai.

Clara coughs getting his attention. Mark blushes reizing the others. He gental pulls away from Karai. Karai  smiles sadly.

We have to get out of here Katana said. Mark nods.

I'm way head of you  ! Clara  grins. but Mark grabs her by her shadowy hands. I saved you so you own me one ! Mark snares.

Oh really Clara snares back. Yes really !  Just look at your hands ! Mark said motion to Clara’s shawdoy hands.

Clara looks at her hands. Her shadowy hands where now perpamemts.

Your point ? Clara  hisses. You help me stop Clownface and save June I'll find you a cure Mark said.

Clara  sighs as she thinks this over. Okay I'll help you Clara said.

Mark smiles. Suddenly there's a load roar.

Tigerclaw is standing behind us isn't he ? Clara  asks.

Yep Dollface said.

Mark narrows his eyes before charging at Tigerclaw. Tigerclaw slashes Mark's back with his claws. Mark cries out in pain but tackles Tigerclaw’s waist, trying to tackle him to the ground.

You've grown weak boy Tigerclaw smirks kneeling Mark in the gut.

Mark grunts but still kept a grip on Tigerclaw. Mark slowly reaches for the gun but Tigerclaw sees this and twists Mark's arm forcing the fire ninja to drop his gun to floor.

Tigerclaw  slashes  Mark's arms with his claws. Mark let's out a cry of pain once more.

Tigerclaw smirks as he leans down to whispers something in Mark's ear.

Once I'm done killing you I'm going to kill the girl you love ! Tigerclaw whispers evilly.

Mark's eyes widen.

Mark's nightmare,

Tigerclaw stabs Karai in  the  stomach. Mark sobs holding her dead body close to him.

Mark's eyes glowed in anger. Suddenly Tigerclaw  roars in pain when Dollface shoots Tigerclaw in the foot with the gun that was on the floor.

You'll never touch her ! Mark shouts  as he throws into a walk knocking him out.

Whoa ! Clara said. Mark looks at Dollface who smiles at him.

Everyone grab onto me ! I'll telports us our here Clara  said.

Everyone grabs onto Clara and she telports them outside on the roof tops.

Mark sighs as he looks at Karai. He brings Karai into a close hug. Karai places her lips on Mark's, kissing him. After a few seconds Mark breaks the kiss.

Go save the City Karai smirks.

Mark smirks back. Turning his attention to Tcri where Clownface has taken over.

Athour's  note :  Next chapter is the helicopter scene.

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