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Morality's Point of View

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Morality's Point of View

"What is wrong with Thomas?" Logan came up to me. "I honestly have no idea," I replied sighing. Thomas started feeling this way a couple days ago and we all started getting really worried about him. We were all constantly by his side helping to care for him. At least all but Anxiety, he stays inside his room a lot. We are starting to get worried about Anxiety too, because he's been staying in his room a lot more than usual. The only problem is that Anxiety is the type of person that doesn't like anyone to worry about him. But I am the parent it's what I do whether he likes it or not. I also worry a lot about Thomas. His fever is going up and I can't help but wonder if his sickness and Anxiety are connected. "Is he getting better?" Roman asked behind me. I shook my head.

Logan's Point of View (POV)

I'm not good with emotions, not at all. One thing I could tell though was that Dad was really worried. I think Roman could tell too, because now the parent personality was serious all the time which was a first. He didn't say a single dad joke in the past couple days. Ever since Thomas started getting sick. We had no idea why he was feeling this was and I couldn't think of a logical explanation for it. So Thomas laid on his bed with Morality constantly rubbing a cold damp cloth over his forehead. I haven't seen Anxiety in a couple days either now that I think of it. Maybe Anxiety caused this. Maybe he was the one behind this and he's avoiding all of us for fear that we would find out. I hated not knowing about something and this was one thing that I hated the most.

Thomas groaned and we all looked at him. Despite having a pile of big blankets stacked on top of him he was still shivering. I'm not exactly sure what to think or fell at this moment.

"What do we do?" Roman asked looking at Morality, then at me. We all had a fear that he was getting worse instead of better.

"We need to somehow fix this," Dad replied sighing, "I just don't know what to do." I watched him slump his shoulders in defeat.

"We can find a way, we can't give up," Princey stated. "For Thomas's sake," He said and looked at the two of us. Morality nodded and they both looked at me.

"For Thomas's sake," I replied. Roman smiled, though I can tell it was kind of forced.

Anxiety's POV

I laid in my bed. I didn't understand what was happening to me. A couple days ago I felt fine, now I felt, ugh. I don't understand this at all. I can't even get up without feeling icky. It's been a couple days since I got up. I doubt anybody misses me though. I sat up and immediately laid back down. Bad idea. I curled up as I laid on my black blankets as my mind automatically filled with unpleasant thoughts. 'Nobody cares for you that's why you are suffering." and "You are worthless, Thomas doesn't need you," The thoughts continued. I tried to push them out, but I wasn't surprised at all. I was Thomas's anxiety after all, the 'bad guy' compared to everyone else. 

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