A mistake

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Virgil's POV

I picked up Roman's sword and felt the power of it coursing through my body. I don't know if anyone else could tell, but I felt stronger. Stronger than I have felt in a long time. The last time I've held this sword was when I first became a physical form of Thomas' anxiety.


I opened my eyes and found myself in a room. The room was dark, but wasn't pitch black. It also had this emo vibe to it. I knew what I was. Anxiety. After that I stood up and looked around. I saw decorations that were Halloween themed. Spiders, spider webs, dark lights, dark colors. I walked over to a mirror and looked at myself. Some freckles danced across my face. 'I'll have to cover those,' I thought to myself. Something shiny in the reflection of the mirror caught my eye. I turned to look at it, then walked over to it. It was a sword. Curiosity got the best of me and I picked it up. I felt power. An overwhelming sense of energy. Not long after that I heard yelling down the hall.

"What's going on!?" Someone shouted.

"I don't know this has never happened before!"

"It's Thomas' first panic attack!"

"We need to help him!" I set the sword down. 'Did I cause that?'

I walked out of the room, leaving the sword be for now. I had no idea what I was going to do with it. I followed the voices of the others until I stood in a front room, later I learned was called the commons.

I got the know everyone pretty well. Morality was also named Patton who was Thomas', our host, heart, and feelings. Logan, Thomas' logic, that's self explanatory. And Roman, who I called Princey, and I guess the nickname stuck. He was a dreamer. He loved romance, adventures, and don't get me started on his love for Disney. He was this princely figure. And that's when I decided to give that sword away. I didn't want to hurt anyone with it. The next time everyone left me alone, I decided to do it. I slowly walked out of my room carrying the sword wrapped in a peice of clothing. I didn't dare directly touch it. I didn't see anyone around so I took my chance. Right when I opened Roman's door I heard someone coming. Scared of being caught I froze in place. Patton turned around the corner and he stopped walking when he saw me.

"Anxiety? What are you doing?" He questioned me. He didn't seem mad.

"I..I uh.." I didn't really know what to say. "Please don't tell Princey," I eventually mumbled. He looked at me and then looked at was in my hands.

"You're giving him a gift?" He asked. I shrugged.

"I don't want him to know it was from me." I whispered. With Patton right behind me I went into Princey's room and set it next to his mirror.

"That's so sweet of you," He beamed. After I closed the bedroom door again I looked at Patton.

"Can I tell you something?" I hesitantly asked him. He nodded his head and I walked towards my room, him following behind me. I told him what happened when I picked up the sword for the first time. And I told him it was my fault that Thomas had a panic attack.

"I just can't have it, who knows what damage I could cause," I told him. He seemed to understand and told me that giving it to Roman was a good decision.

"Besides I know he'll love having it." Patton said getting up and walking out of my room, smiling before closing the door and leaving me alone.

*End Flashback*

I hope I don't hurt Thomas too much. I've learned to have more control since that first incident, but with this weapon you can never tell.

"Well, well, Virgil," Meds looked at me smiling. He doesn't know that this sword was the one thing he was looking for. It was the thing he couldn't find and it's because it was never was in my room.

"Roman had this sword," I said looking at it. Meds stopped and looked confused for a minute. "It was never in my room," I continued. I looked at him and knew that he realized what I was talking about.

"Why..why did Roman have it?" He asked. I looked over at Roman and Logan. They seemed just as confused as Meds. Patton however didn't because he knew the story. He knew why I gave it to Roman. He held up his sword ready to charge towards me. I held up Roman's sword when Meds stopped and smirked.

"Well then I guess we'll have to take this fight to the next level," He told me. What is he talking about? He turned quickly and charged towards Patton. Roman tried to stop him, but got knocked down. Logan grabbed Patton and ran out of the way. I managed to get to Meds right when he got to where Patton was.

Roman's POV

As soon Meds turned around I knew what he was going to do. I stopped him, or at least tried to. I slowed him down, but I didn't have my sword because I let Virgil use it. By the time Meds got to where Patton was he and Logan moved. Virgil caught up to Meds and they both just stood there for a minute. Meds looking around and Virge looking at that lunatic.

"You are going to die Anxiety!" He screamed and turned to Virgil. Virgil put my sword up to block and the swords clashed. As soon as the weapons clashed there was a bright light and I flew back. I felt my head and back hit a wall. Fighting against unconsciousness I looked around. I saw Logan and Patton also laying on the ground. I tried to look for Virgil, but blackness clouded my vision and I blacked out.

I sat up my head soaked with water. "What... what happened?" I sputtered. Logan stood up. Patton was standing next to him.

"See, he's awake. He was the closest when it happened so it took him longer," Logan turned to Patton. Patton nodded.

"and what about Virge?" He asked the logical persona. I looked between Logan and Patton. Logan shrugged.

"He's here somewhere because Thomas hasn't been reckless. I just don't know where." Logan explained. I stood up and felt dizzy.

"Careful Roman, standing up too fast can result in you passing out again," Logan told me. Patton held onto me. I nodded holding my head. Everything that happened came to my mind.

"How long was I out?" I asked almost too afraid to ask.

"A little over five hours," Logan replied.

"What happened exactly?" I questioned. Logan shrugged.

"We don't know. We were all thrown back and blacked out. I was the first to awaken and by then Virgil and Meds were gone, unless it happened when the swords clashed together. Patton woke up next the three hours later you did." Logan remarked.

"It was a mistake, we shouldn't have ever let Virgil fight him, or him even get to Virgil at all," I muttered.

Virgil, where are you?


Yes, I'm aware of the cliffhanger. :)

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