The End

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"There's no where to begin except the beginning," Asuya started. Everyone was in the commons sitting around.

"Asim and I are what is known as smaller sides. We are still here, but have a smaller effect on Thomas and have less power than the major sides have." She looked at everyone.

"When Thomas first took the medication a virus showed up and Asim figured out he could manipulate it, he was even more excited when he figured out that the medication has an effect on one of the strongest sides here.

"With that then Jealousy started getting a thirst of hunger. Meds stole enough to give him enough power so he could directly interact with all of you. And he only grew stronger."

"What do you mean directly interact?" Logan interrupted.

"Well, since we are smaller sides we can't interact with you guys unless we have enough power. We have to get that from something or someone."

"Then how are you talking to us right now?" Patton asked.

Asuya chuckled. "I used Patton's sympathy as a resource to be able to help stop Asim. Since Patton felt bad for the rest of you it gave me enough."

"How did he know about Roman's sword?" Virgil asked.

"I honestly don't know." Asuya answered. "He might've done research of his own or have gotten Meds to do it for him."

"What about my sword?" Roman asked. "I mean, yeah I know that Virge used it and then disappeared for a while but why and how?"

"Everyone turned to Virgil. He ducked his head down wanting to disappear. After a minute he finally started talking.

"That sword originally belonged to me when I first became a side."

"That's how I got it. And that's why Patton said it wasn't his story to tell when I asked him." Patton nodded.

"Why was it yours though?" Roman inquired.

"It was the fight part of the flight or fight response," The darker persona responded. "I had too much power with it in my hands. It's what gave Thomas his first panic attack."

"Oh," No one else had much to say.

"I must be going," Asuya said.

"We still have a lot to learn about ourselves," Roman sighed.


Well that's the end. I hope you enjoyed it.

I must first give a huge thank you to Thomas Sanders, without him this story wouldn't be what it is today.

Secondly, THANK YOU TO ALL THE READERS!!! You are what pushed me into writing this story and what gave me the motivation to finally finish it.

and the last thing. If you have any questions about the characters or story please feel free to comment or send me a message (or even an email:


Take it easy guys gals and non-binary pals


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