The note

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Roman's POV

I sat next to Thomas. It was really sad, we had no idea what was going on with Anxiety and nothing seemed to be changing.

"You guys, Logan found something!" Morality popped up. We both looked at him right as Logan popped up.

"I was doing some research. It won't help him wake up, but it will help explain what's going on." Logan explained.

"I'm going to leave," Patton stated sinking down. Who could blame him? Morality is like a parent and Anxiety is like the child.

"What did you find?" Thomas asked. We both looked at him.

"Anxiety is fighting a subconscious battle." Logan explained.

"I don't get it. We are already a part in Thomas's mind. How can Anxiety..." I was confused.
"That's just the thing." Logan said. "He's not in Thomas's mind right now. So if we bring him back, his body will appear to wherever he is now." Nothing of what Logan said made any sense. I was even more confused and by the look on Thomas's face so was he.

"What does that mean?" Thomas asked. He looked at Logan then to Anxiety.

"It means that he is somewhere in your mind right now. It's a little confusing to me as well, but by what I had researched and my calculations he should-"

"Guys looked what I found," Morality cut off what Logan was going to say.

"What is that?" I asked the parental figure. Patton held a piece of paper in his hands.

"I found it in the kitchen. It was on the table." Patton replied handing the paper to Logan. He read the paper then looked at Morality.

"What does it mean?" Patton asked. Logan looked at Anxiety then back to the paper.

"What does it say?" I asked. Logan looked at me.

"It's a note someone written about Anxiety. And by what I was explaining before, my theories are correct."

"But what does it say?" Thomas asked repeating my question.

"It says. 'I know Anxiety is in the real world right now...or so it seems. While you were busy watching your dark personality I was busy making deals. The only way to wake him up is to bring him back into the mind. However, by doing that you will lose where he is and you will have to go find him. I know where he is and when you bring him back you will have five days to find him. If you don't...well then I guess I'll just say that we made a deal. And you will never see him again.' " Logan looked at the note again after reading it out loud then at everyone else.

"When we bring him back how will we find him?" Morality asked. "The mind-scape is huge" We all looked at Logan and he shrugged.

Anxiety's POV

I was in a different room. This one had a door that I could see. I went to the door and tried to open it, only to find that it was locked.

"Tsk tsk," Someone said behind me. I turned around. It was that stranger. "We had a deal remember."

I sat on the floor and sighed. "I remember."

"Good, don't want you escaping," He replied smiling. "Besides, if you do, you lose automatically, as well as your friends."

"What do you mean?" I asked back.

"You right now are at a subconscious state." I looked at him confused. "Which means you are not in your actual body. So basically you are a spirit. Except you are a personality so it's different. When the others bring your body back into Thomas's mind it will bring your body here. They will have five days to find you." He explained to me. That made a little sense. It would also explain how I blacked out just by having something touch my arm and how my wounds healed so quickly.

"and what if they don't?" I questioned.

"I gave them five days, but each day your body is in here you will slowly fade away. It will be just enough that you will be gone in six days. So as soon as they bring your body back they have five days until then. They only way they can find you is if they can see you. They can only see your body."

"that doesn't make any sense," I told him. He looked at me and smiled.

"Nothing in the mind does," with that he opened to door and left, closing it behind him and leaving me alone.


I can see how well this story is doing by all the views, votes, and positive input I have been receiving. Honestly I did not expect it to be doing this well. But since it is, that's what has been making this story be what it is now. I just want to say thanks to everyone who reads it.

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