One to go

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Roman's POV

I woke up with a major headache. What happened? Virgil?! I tried standing up but I became dizzy. I leaned against a wall to steady myself.

"Careful kiddo," I heard a raspy voice. Patton? I looked around. Patton was leaning against a wall.

"Patton," I whispered. He looked at me. He looked like he was trying to smile but couldn't

"Are you alright?" He asked me his voice barely above a whisper. Leave it to Patton to care for everyone else before himself.

"Yeah just a headache," I said. "What about you? Are you okay?"

He nodded. "Where...where are we?" He questioned.

"I'm not sure," I told him.

"What happened?" He asked me.

I closed my eyes trying to remember.

"I remember watching Virgil...then Meds...he's behind this," I walked towards Patton. My headache didn't hurt as badly as when I first woke up.

"Meds has Virgil?" I nodded.

"I tried stopping him but he snuck up on me and made a deal with Virgil. The next thing I knew I woke up here. Wherever here, is,"

"What about Logan?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I thought he was in the kitchen with you," I admitted.

"He went to do more research," Patton told me.

"We need to find a way to get out of here," I changed the topic. Patton nodded and stood up. The room we were in didn't look like it had any windows or doors.

"Maybe there's a trap door type thing?" Patton stated he made it sound more like a question. "Someone brought us in here so there has to be a way out.

"That's a good idea," I told him. "We have to search everywhere."

"I'll check around here," Patton said. He pointed behind him.

I nodded and pointed behind me. "And I'll check over there."

We both turned around and walked the opposite way from each other.

I checked on the walls, in all the little cracks and any other place I could think of. Nothing. Not a single flaw in the walls or the floor. I only hoped Patton had better luck. I walked back towards where he would be looking.

"Roman!" I heard him shout my name. I went to where he was standing.

"Did you find something?" I asked. He nodded his head and pointed to a spot on the wall.

"It feels different than the rest of the wall. You should see if it's a secret door," He told me. I nodded and felt the wall that he pointed to. Patton was right. It didn't feel like the rest of the wall around it. I continued to feel around.

"Did you find where you can move it?" Patton asked. I shook my head but kept looking.

"It's for sure different than the wall around it, but I don't see anywhere where we can move the wall. It could just be a trap." I remarked.

"Oh," Patton slumped his shoulders. "Do you want me to help you look around the area?"

"Yeah, that way if there is a way out we can find it faster," I stated. He nodded and helped me look.

Patton knelt down and checked next to the floor. "This is different," Patton mumbled. I knelt down. The floor felt the same as that particular part of the wall.

"A latch," Patton mumbled. He showed me. There was indeed a small latch where the wall met the floor. It was so small that it was barely noticeable.

"Good job Patton. That's our way out." I told him. He smiled with pride. "Now all we have to do is figure out how to open it." We both got to work right away. We were just about to give up when a part of the floor slipped under the wall a little bit, not enough to move it completely but with the both of us we found that we could lift the small part of the floor. With a part of the floor gone we traced the edges of where it used to be. My hands slipped under the wall a little bit.

"Patton help me lift it," I told him. He nodded and we both lift the part of the wall. Once we were both on the other side I looked around.

"Who's house is this?" Patton asked me.

I shrugged. "But there's a door so let's get out of here," I told him. Once outside we found ourselves in some trees with a field not far ahead. We both had the same idea and walked towards the clearing.

"This place is pretty," Patton said while looking at all the flowers. We were in a field covered with different colored flowers. Some were green, light and dark blue, yellow, red, white, purple and there were even a couple of black flowers. Turning back towards where we came from we couldn't see the house. It was out of sight from the field.

"I feel weird," Patton whined. "like I don't feel sick but I don't feel like myself. I feel strange." I knew what Patton was talking about because I was feeling the same way. As soon as I stepped into the field the effects started happening.

We needed to find Logan before he gets trapped here too. Where ever here is?

Cause: UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now