At the Light

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Virgil's POV

I kept walking through the tunnel. But I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched and followed. I looked back and saw nothing. Just blackness as I continued to walk into the tunnel. I didn't know exactly where I was heading, but I had no where else to go. So I continued along.

I'm not sure how long I've been walking, but I started to feel worn out. When was the last time I ate something? Maybe it was yesterday right before Meds and I fought. But it felt like more time has passed than that. But how much time? I felt my eyes start to feel heavy and my stomach growled. It wasn't long before I saw a small light at the end of the tunnel. The closer I walked towards it the more tired and hungry I felt. And the more I became aware of myself.

The end was getting nearer and I stumbled to make it. I could barely keep my eyes open as I continued walking. I made it out of the tunnel and saw that I was in a hallway. I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. Sliding against the wall I laid on the floor and closed my eyes.

Patton's POV

Virgil has been gone for over three weeks. MY SON! I couldn't do anything about it and I had no idea where he was. I stepped out of my room and smiled when I saw Logan.

"Hey Logan," I waved at him and continued to walk towards the kitchen. Logan grabbed my shoulder and I froze.

"Patton," He stated. I looked at him. "I know you are going through a hard time but-"

"What makes you say that?" I cheerfully remarked. It sounded fake in my ears, but I couldn't let the others know that.

"We already established that you don't need to hide your...emotions," Logan told me. I sighed.

"Who says I'm hiding anything?" I retorted. Logan slightly shook his head.

"You have bags under your eyes that will out match Virgil's, and you haven't been out of your room long enough to eat a decent meal, not to mention three." Logan explained. He did have a point. But Virgil is my son. I can't just ignore everything.

"How's Roman doing?" I wanted to change the subject.

"He's doing better than you are," Logan saw right through. I sighed.

"'s just that...I can't..." Tears came to my eyes. I feel to my knees with my face in my hands. Logan knelt next to me.

"Virgil is still in the mindscape somewhere," Logan tried to reassure me.

"I...I know..but I don't...I don't know where....and... and what if...what if Meds...." I said between sobs. Logan carefully placed his hand on my back. I'm pretty sure he didn't know what to do.

I wiped my eyes and sat up. Logan looked at me. "I should've put you in this position." I told him.

"I'm not sure what you mean?" He replied.

"You don't do well with emotions and feelings." I sniffed.

"That is only because I am technically not an emotion, but it doesn't mean I can't learn. After all learning can enhance our understanding of the world around us, provide us with more and better opportunities and improve our quality of life." Logan told me. I smiled.

"Thanks Logan," I hugged him. He froze for a minute.

"Glad to be of service," He said hesitantly putting his arms around me.

"How's Thomas doing?" I asked. He pulled away.

"Do you want to see him?" Logan questioned. I nodded and we both sank down into the real world.

Roman's POV

Logan is helping Patton and that left nothing for me to do except look for Virgil. For probably the millionth time. I walked down all the halls, checked in all the rooms. Just like I did almost everyday.

Sighing I turned and started to walk back to the commons, when I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look at it. It was a black cat.

"Meow," It looked at me with curiosity slightly tilting it's head. I smiled at the feline and it slowly started walking towards me.

"You look like a shadow," I told it. The cat rubbed against my legs. "That's what I'm going to call you."

"You remind me of Virgil," I remarked watching my newfound friend. At the mention of Virgil's name the cat's ears perked up and it meowed again.

"Do you know Virge?" It was silly asking an animal, mostly because I couldn't understand the cat. But it didn't mean that Shadow couldn't understand me. Animals are a lot smarter than people tend to think.

Shadow started walking away. Looking back and meowing again at me. I smiled and started to follow it.

The feline led me to a place I've never seen before. It was starting to get brighter the farther I walked down the hallway. The cat stopped at something laying on the ground. Walking closer to it, I realized it was.


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