Missing things

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Roman's POV

I had no idea where I was at all. I've never been in this part of the mind. I was still carrying Virgil but I needed to find the common's soon. Virgil needs help. I stood there, trying to figure a way out of this mess I currently am in. Maybe I can try to wake Virgil. It would be a lot easier to help him try to walk than it is carrying him. I thought about that option for a minute. I can't make him try and walk when he's sick. He never did get better from the first time, because Meds showed up.
I needed to think about my situation and how to get out of it. The first thing to do it figure out where I am. But the only thing I could see is walls. It was like being trapped in a maze. Shadow might know a way out, if the feline didn't leave.

I decided the best thing to do was walk against the wall and let it decide where I went. I felt my way to the wall and leaned my shoulder against it. How was I going to do this? I slowly made my way along the hallway. Going slower with every twist and turn. Virgil was still asleep and I started to wonder what happened to him. I noticed that it was hard to tell if he was breathing or not. I stopped a couple times just to make sure he was.

I need to get out of this place soon.

Slowly making my way I saw a brighter light than the hallways. The maze of hallways weren't dark, but it could use better lighting. It was dim enough to be dark but barely light enough to see.

I walked towards it. Once I was to it I turned into a different hallway. I know this place. I know where I am now.

Logan's POV

Patton's cookies were satisfactory. It was nice to see him genuinely smile about something with all the events that has recently occurred.

"Logan!" Patton knocked harshly on my door. I got up from my desk and went to open the door.

"Yes Patton?" He seemed sad, but excited at the same time. If that's even possible.

"Roman found Virgil! We need to help him!" He grabbed my wrist and proceeded to drag me out of my room. Once in the commons I saw Roman sitting next to the couch.

"Logan, check him and make sure he's going to be okay," Roman said hearing us enter the room. I walked to the couch and knelt in front of it.

"Roman go get the first aid kit. It should be in the bathroom on the highest shelf in the cupboard." I instructed Roman. I had no idea if Virgil was injured. There was blood on his clothes and they were ripped slightly. I did see a bruise on his cheek and who knows if there was more. Roman walked away doing as I asked.

"What happened to him?" Patton asked. I shrugged.

"There are many possibilities," I told him. He sighed. "Would you get a rag, his forehead is burning up." Patton nodded and walked off just as Roman came up to me.

"I couldn't find it," Roman stated. I stared at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked him. I'm sure I put it back every time I use it.

"It's not there, I checked everywhere in the bathroom," Roman replied.

"That doesn't make sense," I mumbled to myself. I continued examining Virgil. So far no broken bones. I turned to Roman. "Help me take off his jacket. We need to patch it up anyway." Roman nodded and proceeded to help me.

After taking off his jacket I lifted his shirt to check for wounds on his torso. More bruises, but no serious injuries. Putting his shirt back down I turned to Roman.

"Let me see if I can find the first aid kit." I remarked getting up. Roman nodded and followed me the the bathroom.

I checked where I told Roman it was going to be. And just as I suspected it was right where I said it would be.

"But..but it wasn't there..." Roman stuttered. "I checked... I checked everywhere."

I looked at Roman. "It's right here."I said grabbing hold of the first aid kit, "We can ask Patton if he moved it, but-"

"Moved what?" Patton walked in.

"That first aid kit," Roman remarked.

"I haven't touched it," Patton responded. Why? Is there something wrong with it?"

"I checked here before and it wasn't here, Logan checked and it was here," He explained to Patton.

"Things can't just disappear by themselves. Someone would've had to moved it." I added my insight.

"I put a rag on Virgil's forehead," Patton blurted. "we should probably go check on him. No use trying to explain what happened here, maybe it did just get misplaced." Roman nodded in agreement, but I was still confused. If it got misplaced why couldn't Roman find it, then I found it later. Patton wasn't anywhere near the bathroom.

Right when I made it into the living room I saw something out of the corner of my eye.

"Kitty get down," Roman exclaimed. I stopped walking to see the commotion going on. A black cat made its way to the couch next the Virgil.

"It's so cute," Patton ran towards the cat.

"I thought you were allergic," I remarked walking into the room.

"I don't care," came Patton's reply. He started petting the feline.

"You're going to be suffering later," Roman informed.

"An adorable way to suffer," Patton whispered while trying to pick it up. I sighed.

"Where did that cat even come from?" I asked. Roman looked at it for a brief moment before his eye light up.

"Shadow!" Roman gasped. Patton started sneezing and slowly walked away from it.

The cat, Shadow, as Roman calls it, curled itself right next to Virgil. Almost as if to protect the sickly persona.

Patton rubbing his eyes walked away, more likely than not, to take care of his allergies.

"May I ask where you know this cat from?" I asked Roman. He smiled.

"Shadow helped me find Virgil," He smiled. Where did the cat come from in the first place?

Med's POV

You didn't think I was gone did you? Well, I hope not.

Virgil's sword is only as strong as the person carrying it, and sadly, Virgil isn't very strong to begin with. He never was. Lucky for me I now have the sword in my possession. Upon finding Virgil, Roman left the sword behind. I could now destroy the sword and get rid of these so called 'Sanders Sides' once and for all. But why destroy the sword when I can use it. I grabbed my and Virgil's sword and followed Virgil out of the tunnel. Unlike him however, I didn't pass out. I could've killed him right then and there, but that stupid cat wouldn't let me near him. Of course, the cat couldn't see me, but it could sense me. It's better to wait until that feline leaves.

Instead I would take that time to make a plan 2. Now that the others now about Virgil's sword and what it can do. I need to be extremely cautious in how I do things.

First of all I didn't expect to end up in that field when the two swords clashed, but now I could use it as my hiding place, or else I can just hide in the shadows, watching, like I have been for a couple days now.

The first thing I need to do is get everyone not trusting anyone. Who else do you think moved that kit? I watched as they started arguing over it.

Smiling to myself I made my way into the room I originally trapped Virgil.

The shadowlings were still there and they were just dying to be let out. Once they stuck to you, they were almost impossible to get off. Better yet, they slowly drained the energy off of whoever they were stuck too.

I just need to make everyone mad at each other, then I can let the shadows loose.

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