An Exit

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Virgil's POV

I had to keep trying. Keep pushing myself to get out. It's worthless. Hopeless. You'll never do it. My voice is gone, no use trying to yell at it to stop. Meds voice was still echoing in my head pushing me to try everything I could. I have to do it. I sat up, but almost fell over again. You're to weak to do anything. If you do, you'll just collapse again. With every word that was echoed throughout the room I felt weaker and weaker. The words were making me feel faint and I had no way of stopping it.

'Honestly thank you for all the good stuff you DO provide. You can be a good guy' Something Thomas told me once came into my mind.

'I'm proud of you' Patton truly cares for me.

'That is magnificent' Roman didn't really show it as much, but lately he's been trying to make an effort.

'Wonderful. I hope you feel a little more like a part of this group. Virgil' Logan has always understood some part of me to an extent.

With each positive thought that entered my mind the negative seemed to grow quieter and quieter until it was gone completely. I was able to stand up without falling, but barely. I was still weak, but gained a little strength back. I tried thinking more on the positive side, but it wasn't working. Why wasn't it working?

An idea struck me. What if the others are the ones that have to do it? After all Meds told me that they won't find me because they don't think they can. But why were they thinking they can? Meds looks like me and based on what he told me they aren't bothered by it. I slowly walked around and looked for a way out.

I walked around the room leaning against the wall for fear that if I let go I wouldn't be able to stand on my own.

I felt something different on a part of the wall my hand brushed against. Stopping I examined the spot more. Maybe this is the door? I didn't feel a handle. I tried pushing on it, but nothing happened.

My knees collapsed under me as I felt myself starting to grow weak again. Must Protect them. I tried to stand again, but found that I couldn't. No matter how much I tried. My weight was just too much for my legs to hold at the moment. I felt where the wall and floor met and I started inching my way along. My fingers in the corner on the floor so I could follow the wall.

I could feel myself growing weaker and weaker with every move I made. And soon it was as if I never received any determination at all. You don't have what it takes. The voices came back, another sign of my growing weakness. You can't and won't be able to do it. I once again tried to stop the voice from getting to my head, but it's hard because they were shouting at me. Yelling at me to believe what they had to say. I collapsed on the ground and was unable to move my body forward anymore. I just needed a break. I reached my hands out as much as I could and felt them go under the wall. A doorway! I tried to get up, but I was too tired and weak to do anything. I'll have to take a break especially once I get out of here to make it to the others.

'I promise to make you feel listened to' Some more words from Thomas came to my mind. I slightly smiled at the promise from him. I pulled on the part of the wall that my fingers were under. Instead of pulling out like a door; it lifted up a little. That's why I couldn't find a door handle. It's the wall not a door.

'I love my dark strange son' Patton still thinks I'm his son. I chuckled at that thought. My eyes went wide as I heard myself. I tried talking, but still nothing.

'Aww, you poor little anxious baby' Patton is a fatherly figure, after all he's Thomas' morality.

'If you keep talking bad about yourself I will physically fight you' He must understand that it's something that's just a happen, besides I don't think Thomas will let him.

'Just nod and agree he's got a lot of love to give' I smiled brightly at that. Thomas knowing how much love Patton has for everyone

'What are you laughing at hot topic' The first time Roman called me hot. I smirked.

'I don't necessarily mind your company' The debate I had with Logan is something that I'll remember, even though I hissed at him, he didn't seem to mind too much.

With each good memory I had of the others I found my strength coming back to me. Not all at once, but slowly. They just say those things because they pity you. And of course the voices are back louder than ever. You must stay here. It's where you belong.

"I belong with everyone else," My voice cracked and was barely below a whisper. I tried lifting the wall again. I have to get out of here. You need to stay in here! It's where you belong! It's the only place you'll ever feel comfortable! I have to go and find Logan. He'll know what to do. The wall was almost up enough for me to squeeze out of it. Just a little bit more. STAY IN HERE! I looked into the room and saw shadows coming towards me. I tried to scream, but it barely was a whisper. They were coming fast towards me as the voice in the room got louder yelling the same thing over and over again. STAY! I lifted the wall a little bit more and barely got out as one of the shadows grabbed my foot. The wall fell down again as I let go of it in order to get the shadow off me.

I couldn't get it off me and the thing seemed to suck my energy away. I was sitting up and began to feel dizzy. I fell back, but before I hit the ground I felt someone's arms around me from behind. I tried to see who it was, but before I could my eyelids shut as my body gave in to unconscious.


Thank you for all the support I've received on this story. I love reading your comments and I know I don't reply to all of them I do read them all. Also thanks for the votes as well.

You guys are the best. Have a  nice day/night :)

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