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Thomas's POV

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Thomas's POV

I have no idea how Anxiety is doing. I know that he is sick which has me confused. Roman told me when he first got sick and he said it was just a small flu. But Morality, Patton says I need to focus on only myself, but that is really hard to do when they won't at least tell me what's wrong with Anxiety. Maybe I should try to summon Anxiety, though if I do I don't want to make him get worse. Everyone else will try to stop me though, especially Patton. Even if I do summon him then it doesn't mean he'll come.

Roman's POV

"Why do you say he is getting worse?" Logan stated.

"What do you mean he's getting worse?" Patton said. I tried explaining what I saw, but apparently they didn't understand.

"I walked into his room to find him sprawled on the floor. I moved him to his bed, but now he won't wake up. He may have passed out again and he's extremely pale."

"Anxiety's always pale." Logic interrupted. I looked at Logan before continuing.

"Anyways. Anxiety is paler than usual and he won't wake up. He just looks really bad." I said. I was stressing out, not sure why or what to do. This has never happened before.

"I'm going to go to his room." Patton said walking out. Logan looked at me as I started walking out following the parental persona. I followed Patton to Anxiety's room.

"It's gone," Patton said in front of my stopping suddenly, almost making me run into him.

"What do you mean it's gone?" I asked him.

"What I mean is that his room isn't where it is." The parental figure stated.

"I remember him saying his room changes places," Logan said behind me.

"Now it's going to be harder to take care of him," Morality stated. "especially if we can't find him"

"Why does his room change?" I asked. I know that it moves, but none of our rooms move around

"It depends on Thomas's emotions. If he is feeling happy Anxiety's room may be towards the back." Logan explained.

Anxiety's POV

I awoke feeling...different. That only meant one thing. My room moved...again. The only thing is that I didn't know where. Sometimes it's in the front and sometimes it's in the back. Usually I can just tell where it moved. Why can't I right now? It must be my sickness. I wonder how the other persona's are doing without me. They don't need me, so maybe it's a good thing my room moved. No one can bother me anymore and I can just be alone. The way I like it. My stomach growled and it reminded me of when Patton made me eat. You don't need them, a voice in my head said. You're right I don't need them, I got sick by myself and I can get better by myself. I whispered to myself as I closed my eyes. I laid there for about five minutes before I opened them again. Maybe I'll go get a little bit of food. I thought to myself, since I obviously can't sleep anyway. The only problem with that is it is hard for me to sit up for more than a couple minutes let alone try to stand. And if I do stand and make it to the kitchen then what if one of the other persona's see me. It's not that I'm scared of them, it's just I'm not in the mood to interact with anyone. I decided to at least get some water. That way I can bring it back to my room and not have to interact with the other persona's for a while. I sat up slowly. The last thing I needed right now was for me to pass out. After sitting up for a while i finally managed to stand without holding on to anything. I walked out of my room, seeing the coast clear of everyone, I slowly made my way to the kitchen. Grabbing a cup I filled it 3/4 of the way full. As I started walking back to my room I saw the room start to spin. You need to sit down, I told myself. What if the other persona's see you while you are sitting. A voice in my head stated. I agreed to it and decided to continue to hurry as fast as I could to get to my room. The cup slipped from my hand and fell to the ground. Hearing glass shatter was the last thing I heard before passing out and falling to the ground as well. 

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