Two Down

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Roman's POV

Shadow ran off somewhere shortly after Virgil fell asleep. Virgil needed the sleep, especially if he's going to get better. I watched over him. Patton and Logan were in the kitchen probably talking, if Logan didn't go off to his room or to research more. My thoughts were interrupted by someone grabbing me behind. The cold metal of what I assumed was a blade was placed on my neck. I immediately went for my sword... or at least where it was supposed to be. I didn't have it with me. He saw what I was going to do and grabbed my wrists still holding me from behind. I tried to get out of his grasp but he was too strong for me.

"Make one move and you're dead," The all too familiar cold voice whispered in my ear.

I stopped struggling and heard a whimper coming from Virgil. I watched as he woke up.

"You're finally awake," Meds told the sick persona. Virgil glanced at me then at Meds.

"What do you want?" He asked. His voice sounding tired and worn down.

"Let's make a deal shall we. You for Roman,"

I started struggling again. "Don't do it, Virgil,"

"Shut up Roman," Meds gripped the blade tighter. I had to stop or else it would've pierced through my skin.

"We already decided that you can't win me," Virgil said. He looked like he was still half asleep and was ready to fall back to sleep at any moment.

"Well, there's someone who's been wanting to meet you in person," Meds stated. "and you are no match for him,"

Virgil sighed. "Fine, I'll do it. Just...just don't hurt anyone else."

Meds let go of me. Before I could turn around I felt a sharp pain on the top of my head and everything went black.

Patton's POV

I ran after the calico cat. It wanted me to follow it earlier, but now I'm not so sure. We were in an endless maze of hallways. I lost sight of the feline as I turned a corner and it was gone. I kept walking in hopes to find it again but I couldn't. Making a few more twists and turns I froze when I heard unfamiliar voices.

"You can't do that," A female voice stated.

"Just watch. He deserves it," Another voice stated.Who are these people?

"No, he doesn't. He doesn't even know and he doesn't deserve it," The first voice stated.

"You just have sympathy for him," The second voice stated.

"Because I can feel his pain," The first voice sounded irritated. "I can feel your pain and-"

"I don't have any pain other then him being here," The second voice started to get mad.

"You're jealous, that's your pain. Jealousy." The first voice stated.

"Well, it makes sense. After all, that's who I am," The second voice remarked. I heard footsteps coming my way. Before I could do anything I saw a guy. He was wearing a dark green and purple hoodie that looked similar to Virgil's.

"Well, what do we have here?" He smiled. I didn't know what to say.

"Asim, don't hurt him," A female came into view. She had pastel pink hair on the top and it faded from light pink in the middle to white on the bottom. She was wearing a jacket with many different shades of pink.

"You can't tell me what to do. Everyone loves him and will do anything to make sure he doesn't get hurt. Especially Virgil," He looked directly at Patton. Patton started backing up and Asim started walking towards the fatherly persona.

Patton turned around and ran. He didn't know the way but at that moment he didn't care. He just wanted to lose to the person that was chasing him down.

"You can't escape that easily Patton," Asim yelled after me. I turned and found myself at a dead end. Oh no. I couldn't go anywhere. I saw something black out of the corner of my eye. It was Shadow. She ran between Asim and me.

"Asuya, don't come near him. You can't anyway. He's allergic," Asim stated. So the cat's name is Asuya? I saw her start to change.

"I won't affect him if I'm not a cat," She was now the same female I saw earlier.

"Asuya, get away," Asim started to say. Asuya just stood in front of me. Her back towards me.

"I will not let you hurt anyone," She replied.

"Fine, you asked for it," What was he going to do? He whistled then stood there.

Not too long after I saw him smile. Things started to appear out of the shadows. They came towards Asuya and me. Asim started fighting Asuya.

One of the shadow things grabbed on to me and I couldn't shake it off. It felt like it was draining the energy out of me.

"Patton!" I heard Asuya yell as I fell into unconsciousness.


Dun dun dun...

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