A way out

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Patton's POV

I couldn't do this anymore. This feeling. How do I stop it? I hated it. I couldn't do it anymore.

"Patton," I heard a voice and sat up from the floor. I heard Logan's voice. Honestly I felt like crying.

"Logan," I whispered. I didn't want it to be another trap.

"How are you holding up?" Logan whispered. I couldn't hold back my tears. I could hear Logan, but I couldn't see him.

"Get me out of here," My voice cracked. "Please" I felt tears coming down my cheeks.

"Where are you?" He asked me. I'm guessing he couldn't see me either.

"I don't know," I cried out. "Help me get out of this place."

"There is a wall, and I don't see an entrance," Logan said. He sounded so close. Why can't I see him? "Are you afraid?"

"What?" Did he ask if I'm scared? Of course I am. I don't know what's going on.

"I asked if you are scared?" Logan repeated. I did hear him right. I nodded my head then realized he couldn't see me.

"ya," I stated tears still coming down my face. I saw something move out of the corner of my eyes. I screamed.

"Patton! Patton what happened? What's wrong?" Logan sounded panicked. I can't stand it in here anymore.

"Sp-spi-sp-spider," I back away. It was coming closer. "Lots-lots of-of spi-spiders."

"Patton, listen to me very carefully," Logan stated. "I can't get you out of there, you have to do it yourself."

"How?" The spiders kept coming closer and I kept backing away.

"They are not real. I repeat they are not real. Just close your eyes and breath." Logan instructed.

"I...I can't.They are coming closer." My back hit a wall and I knew I was trapped. "LOGAN!"

"Listen, were you scared of something else before I found you," Logan asked. I stopped.

"ya, before then it felt like I was alone," I told him. "Now it's spiders."

"You know you are not alone anymore right?" Logan asked. The spiders kept coming closer.

"y-ya," I tried to concentrate on what Logan was saying, but it was hard. Especially with the spiders there.

"The room mimics your fears. All you have to do is conquer it,"

"How do I conquer the spiders?" I asked back. I was against the wall as much as I could, they were practically on top of me.

"Just close your eyes, breath and see what happens. Let the spiders get to you," Logan instructed. Let the spiders get me?

"If you don't do it for yourself do it for me. For Roman, and especially for Virge." Logan knew how much I hated spiders.

"o-okay. I'll...try," I stuttered. I slowly closed my eyes and took a deep breath. The feeling calmed me down greatly and I fought the urge to open my eyes. I waited for the feeling of the spiders to crawl on top of me, but it never came. I kept taking deep breaths as I slowly opened my eyes.

It was just a normal room. The spiders were gone, everything was gone. I stood up and looked around, that's when I saw the door. Opening it, I saw Logan standing almost right in front of the door.

"Logan," I shouted; I ran up to him and gave him a hug. He was hesitant but gave me a hug back. Which I was grateful for.

"Let's go find Roman and Virge and destroy Meds," Logan said after I stopped hugging him. I nodded and followed him down the hallway. We are coming Virge.


Two chapters. :) I actually got about halfway done writing this chapter, but decided you all needed to know how Logan escaped and how  traps worked. So I wrote the previous chapter

Thanks to all you, and all the wonderful comments, the votes and everything else.

Also just to let everyone know, you don't bug me when you request for me to update. It actually lets me know that you love the story enough that you need to know what happens next. And the kind of author I want to be is one where you can't stop reading the book until the end.

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