Is it true

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Anxiety's POV

Pain. The only thing I remember feeling when I woke up. I should be used to feeling pain because I am Thomas's anxiety, but this pain was different. I can't really describe how I felt, but everywhere hurt really bad. I remembered waking up in Princey's room then falling back to sleep then waking up feeling the pain. You don't need their help. I listened to that voice and tried my hardest not to scream out. If I screamed they would just try to help me. The pain was too much and I screamed anyway. I remember screaming out twice before passing out again, the pain I was feeling was too much for me to bear.

Logan's POV

"Anxiety is fading and we don't know why," I answered Thomas. I sank down following Patton as we both walked back to Roman's room.

Anxiety was extremely pale. I looked at him closer. Pale was an understatement, he was practically white.

"Is it true he's fading?" Patton asked after a minute. I hesitated before answering with a nod.

"We need to find out why he is?" Romans said worry clearly in his voice.

"I'm going to tell Thomas, maybe he can help us." Patton said going into the real world before anyone could stop him.

Patton's POV

I couldn't be in there anymore. I had to get away. It's like having a doctor tell you that one of your children is dying. I consider Anxiety my child. I consider all of them my children. I don't understand what was wrong with him. Thomas seemed to be getting better, so why wasn't Anxiety?

"What's going on?" Thomas asked interrupting my thoughts.

"Anxiety..he's..he's...I can't.." I stumbled across my words trying my hardest to explain what was happening. It didn't work and I broke down crying. I felt arms around me and looked at Thomas.

"Just take deep breaths and when you are calmer you can explain what happened," Thomas said reassuringly. I nodded and took his advice. After a couple minutes I had calmed down.

"Anxiety got sick, probably around the same time you did, but we all did a little so we thought nothing of it and our sicknesses only lasted for about an hour. Anxiety slowly started to become worse when you started doing what he does." I tried to explain

"What do you mean?" Thomas said. He thought for a minute. "Never mind I know what you are talking about."

I nodded then continued. "Then we lost where his room was because it moves around based off of what you are feeling. We were looking for him, then decided to check on you. Princey sank back into the mindscape and found Anxiety passed out on the kitchen floor. We found his room shortly after and his door looked faded. We were all confused because you were getting better so we thought Anxiety should be too." I stopped to try and hold back tears again. "We...we heard him scream...except it sounded more like pain...then he's..." I couldn't go on. Thomas continued to try to comfort me. I looked at him and he looked almost like he... regretted something?

Roman's POV

I think I can speak for everybody when I say we were all worried about Anxiety. Logan was trying to help him the best he could and he also seemed like the only one that knew what was going on. I stood back and watched. Being a prince it is my duty to help people. As much as I hate to admit this though this is one time where someone else was able to help more as I stood back and watched helplessly.

Anxiety's POV

I woke up. I wasn't in Princey's room anymore. I'm not exactly sure where I was, but I wasn't feeling pain anymore. I looked around. The room seemed familiar, but I had never been here before.

"We meet at last," A voice said behind me. I turned around.

"What do you want and who are you?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Usually people ask who are you then they asked what do you want," He replied.

"Just answer my question," I replied getting annoyed at him.

"Let's make a deal." He said instead.

"What's kind of deal?" I asked instantly becoming suspicious.

"We have a battle. If you win you can go back to where you came from. If I win," He hesitated.

"Then what?" I questioned.

" will stay here," Came his reply.

Sorry not sorry guys, gals and non-binary pals.

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