One Thing

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Virgil's POV

I heard voices again. Were they coming back? Are they trying to find me or is this all in my head?

It's just in your head.

"No," I mumbled. I have to try and make them find me. I tried to speak out, but I couldn't. Why can't I speak? Why isn't my voice working?

"It'll take them a lot longer to find you now," I looked around. Meds was standing right in front of me. I opened my mouth the say something, but nothing came out. "What? Can't talk?" He laughed. "Do you want to know why?" He walked closer to me. I tried to move, but I couldn't. It was like I was frozen to the spot.

"Well I'll tell you why," He kneeled in front of me. I glared at him. It's his fault. It's his fault. It's his fault. Those words kept getting repeated in my head. I looked away from him. I couldn't stand looking at him anymore than I had to, but of course he had other plans.

Grabbing my chin and forcing me to look at him; he smiled. "It's because you're weak. The longer you stay in here, the more you lose your energy and before you know it. You'll be gone" He smiled menacingly. Letting go of my chin, he stood up. "and one more thing. There's only one way now that they'll ever find you. But why would I tell you that, you're not worth it"

I groaned and watched as he seemed to walk into the darkness. His laughter echoing throughout the room until it faded into silence.

"Virgil?" I heard Patton. I couldn't do anything to make them notice me. What did they have to do? I hope they figure it out because even if I did there would be no way for me to tell them. I saw everything start to blur and start to mix together as the room started to spin. I didn't see anything except total blackness.

Med's POV

They would never find them, I was sure of it. Virge is getting weaker and I'm getting stronger. Once he's gone I'll be strong enough to defeat the rest of them. Thomas should never have taken those fever pills. After all that's what brought me to life in the first place. Some might say that I'm just a small side effect, and no one notices me. Nobody knows I even exist sometimes. I'll prove them wrong. I'll prove everyone wrong.

I left Virgil alone, he's already lost his voice, next thing to go is his hearing, then his sight. And when the days run out and he's still there, he'll disappear.

Now time to find the others, I need to warn them, maybe using Virgil again; like last time. Of course I had to have Roman actually find Virge, but it's part of the plan.

I wonder if Roman, Patton and Logan forgot about shape-shifting. They can, but so can I.

Shall we have some fun? Well for me it's fun, it might not be for Virge or the others.

I changed myself. Now time to find everyone else, which shouldn't be hard. I walked around until I heard their voices.

"Roman?" I called out. I stopped walking. "Patton?" I said his name more frantically. They stopped talking. I slowly walked closer until I could hear what they were saying.

"It could be another trap." Logan stated. Well of course it is, but they won't know that.

"Logan," I called his name this time.

"Well we won't know until we check, this time let's stick together," Roman told the others. Time for action. Not to long after that all came around the corner.

I walked towards them and they stopped. We all looked at each other for a minute. "Virgil?" Patton asked hesitantly. I nodded.

"Ya," I said softly. Patton started walking towards me, then stopped when Logan started talking.

"Careful, this could be another trap." Everyone looked at me. I sighed.

"I don't think it's a trap," Roman whispered. Patton then ran up and hugged me. I went stiff.

"Oh sorry," Patton mumbled. "I forgot you don't like physical contact." That info is new. I must remember it.

"We were looking for you," Roman stated. Logan seemed really quiet. If anyone can see through this then he could. Let's just hope he doesn't. "How's you get out?"

"Yes, that's what I'd like to know," Logan stated fixing his glasses.

"He let me go," I simply replied.

"Let you go?" Logan asked. I nodded. They all stopped.

"Can I...can I go to my room?" I asked them. Patton nodded.

I walked away to Virgil's room. Once I entered the room I looked around. Now time to get rid of the only thing that could stop me. Only problem is I have to find it first.

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