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Roman's POV

I picked Virgil up from the ground. He was light and wasn't very hard to carry. He clothes were torn and had dried blood on. I couldn't see any physical wounds, although I did see some bruises. His forehead was burning up in fever and based on the paleness from his skin, I don't think he has eaten or gotten any sleep for a while.

I looked at the cat, who was still sitting there, watching everything I was doing. "what happened to him?"

Shadow meowed sadly. Their tale flicked back and forth as if they were expecting me to do something.

I started to make my way back to the common's hoping I wouldn't get lost. The cat lead me here in the first place and I have no idea how to get back. After a couple more twists and turns I stopped.

The feline stopped behind me and started walking a different way. I started following it and Shadow turned and hissed at me. I watched as my feline friend walked away. Why would Shadow lead me to Virgil, then walk away when I am lost? Does it even know I'm lost? If it knew that I was going to help Virgil why does it not care now? I sighed and looked around. The best thing to do now is to backtrack and go a different way but that could also make me more lost or make me find my way. I can't just stand here.

I started walking back to where I came from, hoping it was the right way to go.

Logan's POV

The thing with Patton is that he cared about everyone. And that included Thomas. Patton looked almost heartbroken. Thomas was asleep, but he was almost as pale as Virgil usually is and he had heavy bags under his eyes.

"He's starting to look like Virgil," Patton whispered. I nodded. "Is it because Virgil's..." He paused thinking of the right words to say. "not available at the moment?" Patton said after a minute.

"Virgil does play a part, but not all of it," I told Patton. Realization of what I meant hit his eyes and he looked shocked.

"This is my doing isn't it?" His face fell.

"You were just...saddened that Virgil went missing. It's not entirely your fault, it was your way of coping and-"

"But Thomas is like this because of me," Patton interrupted me.

"It's not only you, part of it because Virgil's not making Thomas anxious, of course he still feels anxious, but not overly so." I tried to explain. Patton nodded.

"But I...helped make him like this," Tears started to form in Patton's eyes. Thomas moved in his sleep and we both watched.

"Let's let Thomas rest," I told Patton. He sadly nodded and we both went back to the mind-scape.

"Where's Roman?" Patton asked trying to get his mind off of Thomas. I shrugged. "I guess he's... Roman around."

I groaned. "Patton," I looked at him. He turned to me.

"What Logan?" He waited for me to answer.

"Just remember that it's bad to hide your feelings, and even though you want to appear that you are happy all the time, it's okay to let us help you when you aren't feeling so frivolous." I explained to him. He nodded.

"I'll remember," He sighed. "I'm going to look for Roman." He said walking in the direction of Roman's room. I nodded and headed to my own living quarters.

Patton's POV

Logan's words rang through my head. I couldn't help that I hide my non-happy feelings. I've been doing it for so long, that it's hard for me not to. It's just a habit now. I got to Roman's door and knocked. No answer. I knocked again.

"Roman? Are you in there?" I asked. Still no answer. I slowly opened the door. He wasn't in there. I guess he really is roaming around. I chuckled to myself while closing his bedroom door.

I walked to the kitchen got out a cup. I wanted a glass of milk, but also something that goes got with milk. Cookies! I smiled at myself while going to the cupboard. I hope we have some left. I opened the jar where the cookies usually are. Nothing was there.

"I guess I'll have to make some more," I mumbled to myself. Cooking always cheered me up anyway. "Maybe Logan would want to help," I bounded off the Logan's room.

"Logan?" I knocked on his door. He opened it.

"Yes Patton?" He straightened his glasses.

"I was wondering if you'd want to make cookies with me?" I asked him. He seemed to be thinking about it for a minute.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to make sure you don't burn anything," Logan finally replied. I cheered and hugged him. Pulling away quickly I headed towards the kitchen. Logan chuckling behind me followed.

"Hurry Logan," I said impatiently. I made it to the kitchen. He was almost there anyway seeing as he wasn't far behind me in the first place.

"What's the rush?" He asked. He started walking slower. I groaned.

"Sometimes you need to learn patience as it will help with many of life's decisions.

"Fine," I groaned. "I'll just start without you." He started walking at normal pace and I started getting all the ingredients out.


The cookies were finally in the oven. At least the first batch was.

"I'll get a rag, we can start cleaning up while we are waiting for the cookies to get done." Logan said heading towards the sink. Flour was everywhere. Not just all over the counter but all over the floors, the walls, and all over me and Logan.

Most of it was my fault. I poured the flour into the bowl when we were first starting to make the cookies and then I tipped it over. It was an accident but flour splattered everywhere. After that it just got worse as the flour got tracked in all sorts of places. So when I said flour was everywhere, I mean that it was everywhere.

Logan came back with a couple rags.

"Let's get started." He said handing me one of them. I nodded and got to work.

It was a hard job and we had to stop multiple times to get the cookies out of the oven and put another batch in. By the time we were done cleaning up, the cookies were done.

"Thanks for helping me Logan," I told him as I started to put the cookies in the jar.

"You're welcome," He said grabbing a couple cookies and heading to his room. I put the rest of the cookies in jar, saving some out for me. 

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