Chapter 4

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Demi’s POV

Ugh, I hate Nick. He’s, like, a jerk. He pushed me on the floor after he tried to kiss me! I mean, what type of a guy does that? I mean, I wouldn’t have minded the kiss. I mean, he is cute, and he has nice hair, and he has amazing eyes that you just wonder what goes on in his life, and he’s just so cute, and his voice is so dreamy, and he’s so sexy, and what am I doing?! I don’t like Nick! No, he is just a jerk who tries to kiss his brother’s girlfriend. What type of a guy does that? Wow, I’m repeating myself. I only do that when I love someone? Oh my gosh, did I just say that? No way! I do not, I repeat, DO NOT love him. I love Joe and only Joe. I just love Joe, but ,ugh, Joe is just Joe and NOT in a good way. He doesn’t care about anybody but himself, and he never listens to me, and he bosses me around all the time and, ugh, he’s just Joe. I mean, he is the dirtiest and most perverted pig in the entire world! Ugh, Joe. Did you see how he embarrassed Nick? I didn’t need to know Nick had a boner! That’s just weird; although, I wonder who gave it to him? He didn’t have one when I opened the door. What? Don’t judge me. I check out if guys have boners. That’s just how I am. But, I wonder if it was that Selena girl Joe mentioned. Ew, I hate her already. She goes out with Nick. That says something right there.

Ugh, now we just arrived to this “fancy” restaurant, and now I have to see Nick and It. I didn’t want to see his girlfriend. Ew, I hate saying that word especially if I’m saying that about Nick.

Ugh, Nick, why am I thinking so much about him? This is just weird. I sighed, trying to take my mind off of him and open my car door. Yeah, that’s right; Joe doesn’t have any manners at all. He just walked away and didn’t even bother to open the door for me. Stupid Joe.

I shook my head, trying to get all these negative thoughts out of my brain and walked up to Nick and that Selena girl.

I stuck out my hand, “Hi, my name is Demi. It’s nice to meet you.”

She looked disgustedly at my hand and just gave me a dirty look. “Selena, and it’s not so nice to meet you,” she looked at me and smiled, giving me that ‘you’re a bitch’ smile.

Nick nudged her, “Shake it, Selena.” Selena shot Nick a dirty look about it and barely touched my hand, pulling it up and shoving it away soon after.

That kind of hurt me. What did I do to this bitch to have her hate me? I wiped my hand on my pants, making it obvious I didn’t want her to touch me. The bitch rolled her eyes and intertwined her fingers with Nick’s. For some odd reason, I wanted to punch her and hard, I might add. She smirked at me, and I looked at Nick. He had some grossed out expression on his face.

The bitch decides to speak.“Come on, Nicky.”

Ew, she calls him Nicky. I didn’t mean to but I mad a face when she called him that. Nick chuckled and bitch, yeah that’s her new name, rolled her eyes.

She threw his hand away. “Whatever.” She walked away into the restaurant ,and Joe followed her. I could have sworn he was actually drooling. Nick and I stood awkwardly next to each other.

Nick spoke up, “Hey, I know you don’t want to be here just like me, but let’s make the best of it. I hate Selena, and I think you do, too. A lot of people call her a bitch. I have to agree with that, but why don’t we act like we’re having a good time,” Nick smiled at me.

I couldn’t help but smile myself. He had an amazing smile. It’s so… pretty. “Okay, I agree. Let’s not get ourselves too down.”

Nick stuck out his hand, and I took it. We walked inside together and caught up with Joe and Selena. I noticed Selena was flirting with Joe. Wait, that bitch was flirting with my boyfriend! I tightened my grip on Nick’s hand as the anger builds inside of me. I’m not jealous, I swear, it’s just you don’t flirt with another girl’s boyfriend when that chick is on a date with her boyfriend. Nick looked down at our hands then followed my gaze.

He looked at me, “Hey, why don’t we make them feel what we’re feeling.”

I smiled and take the lead, “Oh, Nick, you’re so funny.”

I hit Nick’s shoulder playfully and hugged him. I saw bitch turn around and shot daggers at me. She walked over to us and gave Nick a sloppy kiss. Ew! I think I just puked! I clenched my fists and walked forward. I felt Joe pull me away just in time so I wouldn’t rip out her hair. Man, is she going to get it. Joe led us to our table, and I sat in between Joe and Nick on purpose. I smiled cockily at bitch and put my napkin on my lap. The date went pretty much… how do I put this… stupid. All bitch did was flirt with Nick and Joe. Nick ignored her most of the time and talked to me.

I love that about him. He knows when I’m about to punch her, and he tries his best to avoid it. When the dinner was finished, Nick walked me back to his car as Joe and Selena flirt.

“Hey, Demi, babe, I’m going to take Selena home. Nick, you wouldn’t mind taking Demi home to your house? I’ll take Selena back to mine,” Joe said to Nick.

Nick nodded, “Yeah sure.” Nick started walking to his car. When we both get to his car, he turned toward me, “You know what they’re going to do, right?”

I thought about it for a second. My eyes widened when I catch on. “Is that bitch that much of a whore? No offence, though.”

Nick chuckled, “None taken, but you know what they’re going to do. At least you won’t be too shocked when we walk in your house tomorrow, and they’re naked in your bed.”

I got an image and gagged, “Thanks for that warning. That’s an image I do not need.” We both laughed, and Nick drove us to his place. When we arrived, I was in awe. Nick actually wasn't that bad of a guy. He was really funny and nice. When I unbuckled my seatbelt, Nick was already on the outside of my door, opening it for me.

“Awe thank you, Nick. You actually have manners unlike Joe.”

Nick chuckled, “I try to make the ladies love me.”

I laughed, and we both walked inside. I looked around, and he had a really nice place. He took off his coat. “Uh, I don’t have a guest room, so I’m guessing I’ll sleep on the couch, and you take my room.”

I shook my head, “No, please, I take the couch, you have your room.”

“No, how about we just share my room,” Nick smiled then blushed. “I swear I won’t do anything.”

I laughed, “I trust you.”

He smiled and took my hand, leading us up to his room. I didn’t know why, but I got a bajillion tingles go throughout my body. When we got into his room, he removed his shirt. He walked around the room without a shirt for a couple of minutes. I didn’t say anything because one, I was, like, really nervous, and two, he had a really nice body. When he realized what’s happening, he blushed and got a shirt from the ground and put it on.

“I’m sorry. I forgot you weren’t Selena.” I could tell he was blushing.

“No, it’s fine. I liked the view, and so I’m guessing you and Selena do stuff, but it’s none of my business.”

He quickly butted in. “No, Selena and I have never done anything. I’ve actually never done anything, but Selena on the other hand has. She’s a whore, as you’ve said earlier.”

I smiled, “Wow, you’re the only guy I know that’s still a virgin. That’s amazing. I never thought I’d meet a guy who has morals.”

He looked down, blushing, “Thanks. At least you’re not Selena and making fun of me.”

I stepped closer to him and hoed his hands. “No, I would never do that. I actually think it’s amazing. You’re amazing.” He smiled and put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer.

He brought his face down to mine. My breathing became uneven, and my heart raced as I feel his hot breath on my lips. I leaned up and my lips touched his. Wow is all I have to say.

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