Chapter 33

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Her short black hair fell in her face as her tears slid down her face.

“I can’t do this anymore,” she sobbed. She grabbed her purse and keys, walking out of the front door.

“Selena, wait!” he yelled after her. He walked up to his front door. Her car door slam filled the still air, and he rolled his eyes, groaning in the process. He observed her tear stained face through the front windshield, and Selena mouthed a simple ‘goodbye’ to him.

The engine roared and the car zoomed out of his driveway and down the street. He sighed, walking backwards a few steps and closed his door.


The tears ran continuously down her face. The only thing that flashed in her mind was the wedding that was happening the next day. She didn’t know what to do. Her mind was so clouded that she has no way to clear her thoughts and think properly.

Trying to distract herself, she kept her eyes on the road, observing the passing cars. The only car that caught her attention was a very familiar gray and black Lamborghini that zoomed down the opposite side of the road. She knew that car anywhere. She has ridden in it many, many times before.

“Joe’s car?” she questioned, trying to find the logic in things.

She had to get to the bottom of things. She drove straight down the road in front of her to the one house she had to be at.


He rubbed his face, his hands trailing up to his short curly hair. He couldn’t believe what he had caused. He knew that if he would have just faced his mother, nothing would have been so difficult.

He groaned as he walked over to the first step of his quiet house’s stairs. He sat down, leaning on his arms. He tried to find a logical way of trying to sort out things of the wedding-to-be.

What only seemed like seconds of sitting, a loud, frantic knock disturbed his thoughts. He quickly pushed himself off the stairs and jogged lightly to the front door.

He assumed it was only a salesman trying to make a day’s quota. It couldn’t be anything more, right?


The curly haired man placed his large hand on the tiny doorknob, opening the door to reveal the last person he expected.

“Demi?” his horse voiced whispered.

She smiled up at him.


She quickly parked the black Mercedes in the empty driveway. She shakily removed the car keys from the ignition and opened the heavy door, slamming it quickly and jogging up to the front door.

Her hands fiddled with her keys as she tried to open the large wooden door. After a couple of seconds, she squealed quietly as she found the correct key. Her hands shakily tried to push the key into the lock, but the door flew open, stopping her.

Her eyes popped out of her sockets as she stared directly at the one she loved. She felt her face heat up as she stood emotionless.

“Hi, Selena,” a deep voice whispered.

“Joe,” she whispered, looking up at him.

He smiled down at her, extending his right arm to let his hand caress her cheek. Selena smiled back at him, closing her eyes as she savored the moment.

Both of their hearts danced happily in their chests. Neither one of them could ask for anything better.

Selena stepped into the house and collided with Joe’s chest. Their eyes met once more before Joe’s lips crashed against Selena’s. He pushed the door closed behind his girlfriend, whispering ‘I love you’ in her ear.

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