Chapter 18

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Demi’s POV

Nick walked ahead of me to open the door, allowing me to go first. I sighed as I walked past him. Somehow, I could feel today was not going to go well.

We walked up to the receptionist, and Nick spoke to her. “Hey, Emily, any mail for me?” Nick asked.

She shook her head and smiled flirtatiously. “No, but Joe wants to speak to you.”

Nick nodded his head, and I felt an awkward tension. Oh, jeez, this is bad. Joe is here… on my first day. I sighed as Nick answers, “Okay, I’ll speak to him, but, Emily, this is Demi. Demi, this is Emily, the receptionist of this huge building. She’s kind of like the boss of all receptionists.”

I smiled and shook Emily’s hand, “Hi, Emily, nice to meet you.”

Emily shot me a dirty look as she shook my hand. “Hi,” she said snarky. Um, okay, that was nice. I pulled my hand away and looked at Nick. He tensed up and signaled me to walk in front of him.

“Let’s go, Demi. See you later, Emily.” Nick pushed me slightly to signal me to walk.

I looked at the ground as his hand was on my lower back, guiding me toward the elevator. He pushed the button to go up, and we waited in front of it. His hand calmly rubbed my back as we waited for the elevator to come to the first floor. I sighed as it stopped in front of us. I walked in first, and Nick immediately pushed the button that said ‘close doors’. He moved his hand to push the ‘60’ floor button. He sighed and leaned against the railing as the elevator moves up. “I’m sorry about that, Dems.”

I shook my head, forcing a smile, “Sorry for what?”

He looked at me and smiled, “I know you’re smarter than that. Emily is jealous of you because she thinks you’re my girlfriend, and she’s been trying to get me to date her since I hired her.”

I smiled and walked forward, wrapping my arms around his neck. “But, I am your girlfriend, so she has every right to be jealous. She’s just mad she can’t get a man as great as you.”

He smiled and pecked my lips, “Exactly.”

I pulled away and fixed my dress. I smiled and hit his chest playfully. “You’re so cocky. You know that, right?”

He chuckled as the elevator doors open, “Of course I know that.” He held his arm out, and I walked in front of him and out of the elevator. I walked up to another receptionist desk. A young, tall, blue-eyed girl stood up and smiled.

I smiled, “Hey, Miley.”

She kept smiling and walked out from behind her desk. She opened her arms and walked forward, engulfing me in the hug. “Oh, Demi, it’s so nice to see you,” she pulled away. “I haven’t seen you in forever.”

I forced a smile, “Really? Last time I saw you was at Cody’s party, and you were giving me a spik-” Nick nudged me. I frowned at him and turned back to Miley. “What I mean is, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you!” I jumped up once and hugged her again. I pulled away and gave Nick a death glare.

He chuckled, “So, Miley, are there any messages for me?”

She walked back to her desk and typed on her computer. After a few seconds, she shook her head and smiled. Nick nodded his head and looked at his office. Miley looked also and sees Joe waiting in a chair. She sighed, and I guess picked up on the tension.

“Uh, Joe is here to see you, Nick. Demi, since you’re Nick’s other assistant, I’ll start training you.” I nodded and Nick sighed. He hugged me and walked off to his office. When he closed his door, Miley cleared her throat. “So, how is it like sleeping with Nick?”

My eyes widened as I turn to her. “Excuse me?”

She giggled, “Don’t act like you don’t. I can’t believe he gave his virginity to you. Oh, my god, that’s so cute. He must really love you,” she said excited.

I looked at her like she just lost her mind, “Uh, okay?”

She giggled again, “Sorry, I’m Nick’s best friend and ex-girlfriend. We had a mutual break up, so don’t feel sorry for me. I remember that he used to tell me that he would have sex with someone he really loves, and he would never forget it,” she squeaked. “Oh, I hope you guys get married! Can I be the maid-of-honor?” I smiled, taking in everything she said. I couldn't believe he really said that. Awe, I felt like crying from how happy I was.

“He really said that?” I said, wanting to jump up and down.

She squeaked again, “Yes! Now I know why he didn’t give it to Selena. She was such a…”

“Shithead,” I finished for her.

She nodded, “Yeah. She hated me, and I don’t even know why. I don’t even like Nick anymore, and she still saw me as a threat. That shithead.”

I laughed, “That’s because you have more of a brain than she does.”

She giggled, “I guess, but seriously, he loves you so much. I haven’t seen him so happy. Even when I was dating him he wasn’t this happy. Seriously, tell me, is he good?”

I blushed, “Maybe?”

She laughed, “Oh, my god, he is! This is so funny! Okay, I’m probably making you so uncomfortable, but I just needed to know! I had a bet in high school that Nick would get laid before he graduated and I bet that he wouldn’t, but we could never tell. I so win that $1,000.”

I giggled and blushed, “Uh, you can’t tell anybody that works here or anybody at all.”

She nodded, “Oh, I know. They’ll only think that you got this job because you sleep with him.”

I giggled, “That’s exactly what I said!”

She laughed, “Okay, we really have to get to work.” I nodded, and she showed me to the computer behind her. “This is yours.” I sat down and logged on. “And, since nothing even happens in this office, we can talk all the time. I’m always so bored here.”

I giggled, and Miley and I started to gossip and talked about anything. Somehow, she always got the conversation back to me sleeping with Nick, but I didn’t mind. She was hilarious, and it was good finding a friend like her. I giggled at a joke she made, and I jumped from Nick’s office door being slammed. Joe walked out furious and headed over to the elevator. I looked over at Nick, and he walked over to his desk, throwing a pencil holder across his office. He sat down in his chair and stuffed his face in his hands. I looked at Miley.

“I better go see what happened.” She nodded, and I walked over to his office. I took a deep breath and knocked.

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