Chapter 6

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Demi’s POV

I drove to my house with anger, rage, and complete sadness. How am I going to deal with seeing my boyfriend’s dick in another girl?

I wiped the tear streaming down my cheek and park the car in my driveway. I gripped the steering wheel as tight as I can and scream. “Ah!”

I slammed my head on the wheel and lifted it back up, rubbing it. “Ow, that wasn’t smart.”

I opened my car door, while rubbing my head, and walked up to the front door. Well, here goes nothing. I removed my hand from my head, gripped the doorknob lightly, and took a deep breath. I threw open the door and yelled up the stairs, “Joe, get your ass down here!”

I waited a couple of seconds until I heard a muted sound of shuffling and glass being broken followed after it. The door to my room flew open, and I saw Selena holding a bed sheet to her chest, while Joe was holding some of it around his private area.

I made a disgusted face at the sight. I swallowed the knot in my throat. I knew it was going to be hard to see them like this, but I just didn’t know it’d be this hard.

“Demi, I know what it looks like, and let me explain,” Joe pleaded.

“No, Joe-” I got interrupted by Selena.

“No, Demi, it’s exactly what it looks like. I slept with your precious boyfriend. It was great, to tell you the truth, but you wouldn’t know, considering you weren’t giving him what he wanted.” Selena started making her way down the stairs and smiled bitchily at me.

I looked back up the stairs, and Joe disappeared back into the room. I was assuming to get some boxers on.

“Listen up, whore. I don’t know what’s up your ass, but I don’t care what-so-ever about you sleeping with Joe.” I looked back at the stairs, and I saw Joe walking down them. I waited until Joe was in front of me. “Oh, and, Joe, we’re through.” I looked back at Selena and slapped her. “And that’s for being a whore. I hope you learn, but let me guess, you’re still going to sleep with other men. Well, at least I tried. Have a great life.”

I smiled and left the house. I let the tears fall from my eyes. I always promised myself that if Joe and I didn’t work out, I wouldn’t waste tears on him, but I never thought he would cheat on me.

I didn’t want to go back to Nick’s. It would be too hard to be with him and make everything worse. I drove to the one place I love the most: the beach. When I arrived, I parked my car and walked to the sand. My feet touched the yellow warmness, and I sat down in it. I closed my eyes and think.

Wouldn’t it be a miracle if Nick came here today? I wish he came. Please let him come. Please, please, pretty please. Please with a cherry on top of Nick Jonas, and he has no clothes on. Oh, wow, I really must like him. I heard a door slam and my name being called comes after it.

“Demi?” I know that voice. That voice makes my heart flutter every time I hear it. I pretended like I don’t hear him, and I heard a crunching sound after it. I felt a decompression on the sand next to me. “Demi?”

I opened my eyes to see the beautiful boy. “Hey, Nick. What are you doing here?”

He smiled his beautiful, crooked smile. “Well, I came here to think, but I saw you instead and thought ‘Hey look, there’s an angel,’ so I decided to come and talk to her.”

I couldn’t help but blush. “Um, thanks, that’s really sweet.” There was a silence. For me, it didn’t feel awkward.

“Hey, Dems?”

Hehe, he called me Dems. “Yeah?” I asked, a slight awkwardness came out in my voice.

“Um, I was wondering if that kiss meant… anything.” I looked over to him, and he had his head hanging low.

“Nick, that kiss meant something, but I just…” I trailed off.

“You what?” Nick asked with a slight bit of disappointment in his voice.

“I just don’t know if I could trust you,” my voice became shaky.

Nick looked at me strange. “Are you serious? Why wouldn’t you think you could trust me?”

I felt suddenly nervous. “Uh, it’s just, you’re Joe’s brother. Obviously I couldn’t trust Joe. What if you’re exactly the same?”

Nick smiled, “Well, that’s a 'what if' question. You’ll never know unless you try.”

I couldn’t help but smile myself. “You’re right.”

I smiled, and Nick leaned in. I leaned in also, but right before our lips met, I stopped and pulled back. “I don’t kiss on the first date.”

I stuck out my tongue, and Nick wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me on top of him. I laughed, and he laughed along.

When our laughing came to a halt, I lifted myself off of Nick’s chest. “Nick, how come I feel this way with you?”

“I don’t know, but if it’s anything like me, I bet you’re in love,” Nick smiled.

I lifted myself off the ground with Nick following after me. I looked him in the eyes. “You’re in love? With who?”

He grabbed my hands. “Who do you think? Dems, I love you. You make me smile when I have nothing to smile at. I laugh when I have nothing to laugh at. You brought something into my life that I haven’t had in a long time: happiness. Demi, I love you.”

You know how in those old, romantic movies, you hear the words ‘I love you’ and all you want to do is jump up and down. Well, right now, that’s exactly what I want to do. I felt a droplet on my nose. I looked up to the sky and a couple more followed after it. I looked down and into Nick’s eyes. I felt something come over me, and I cupped his face with my hands. I pulled his lips to mine.

One word can describe this kiss: amazing.

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