Chapter 28

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A familiar engine roar startled the blonde beauty as she walked down the street. Rolling her eyes and picking up her pace, she stomped her way down the plain white cement sidewalk. The roar of the engine died down as it slowed to a pace next to her. Before she knew it, she heard a familiar voice yell out to her as the window rolled down.

“Demi!” the man yelled over the engine.

Rolling her eyes once again, Demi shifted all her bags to her right arm. She looked over to her left, still walking, turning back once she saw who she suspected.

“Demi!” the man yelled again. “Get in the car!”

Shaking her head in disgust, she threw up her left hand, holding her middle finger up as proud as she could. After a few seconds, she brought down her hand, evening out her bags on both arms.

“Demi, just get in the damn car!” the man yelled again.

Stopping abruptly, Demi stomped her foot quickly as she turned to her left. Just like her, the car stopped immediately. Victory shone in the man’s face as he saw his ex-girlfriend walk toward him. His face immediately dropped as he saw anger in her face.

The bags dropped from Demi’s hands as she stopped at his open window. She slammed her hands on the side, sticking her face.

“Nick, how dare you!” she yelled. “How dare you think I’m going to so easily forgive you! This was the last fucking straw! Fuck you and go to hell!”

Backing up and kicking his car on the way, Demi quickly picked up her bags and started walking again. In frustration, Nick rubbed his face with both of his hands and began following Demi again.

“Demi, stop!” he pleaded.

Just as before, Demi threw up her left finger as high as she could.

“Demi, get in the fucking car!”

Laughing, Demi kept walking. “Um, nope!” she yelled at him.

This continued for half a mile. Every time Nick would tell Demi to get in his car, she would laugh at him or give him a taste of how her middle finger felt. Every time, Nick would roll his eyes and yell at her once more to get in his car.

Demi soon became tired but would never let Nick see. She would just huff and continue on, ignoring the sharp pain in the balls of her feet. She panted slightly and wiped the sweat off of her forehead. The afternoon sun beaded down on her, causing her more discomfort. After twenty minutes of just pleading, Nick decided to just stop yelling at Demi and just followed next to her, hoping she would change her mind and get in the car. When Demi stubbornly ignored him, Nick became impatient and groaned loud enough for Demi to her. With a victory smile on her face, she heard his car window roll up and his engine roar louder as he sped by her. Nick drove a slight distance ahead of her and pulled to the side of the road, getting out of his car and slamming the door behind him.

Demi stopped in her place in shock. She expected Nick to drive away, but unfortunately for her, she saw him walking toward her.

She watched as he walked toward her in his black ray bans. She rolled her eyes as he spoke. “Demi, listen,” he started, “I know you probably want me to rot in Hell right now-”

“I do,” she interrupted, crossing her arms.

Ignoring her comment, Nick continued, stopping in front of her while he placed both of his hands on her shoulders, “but I know I can make it up to you.”

Pulling away from his grip, Demi huffed, “How?” she yelled. “How can you make shit up to me when all you do is lie? I fucking love you, Nick, and you’re such a fucking pussy that you can’t even tell your fucking mother that you’re in love with me, too, or was,” she hissed.

“Don’t you go there!” Nick yelled back in his defense.

“No, Nick, I’m done. I’m marrying Joe just like you wanted. This was your way of getting rid of me, and it worked! Now, get the fuck out of my way or I’m calling the cops!” Demi stormed past Nick, leaving him behind her.

Turning around, Nick yelled at her, “Demi, stop!”

“No!” she yelled back.

Rolling his eyes and running up to her, Nick grabbed Demi’s shoulders, turning her around. “Demi, stop and listen!”

“No, fuck you!” She turned around again and continued walking.

“At least let me drive you to someone!”

Stopping, Demi turned around and walked to Nick quickly. “No! The last time you told me you were ‘just going to take me somewhere,’ I ended up sleeping with you!”

Turning around once more, Demi stormed away from him. Hoping once more to persuade Demi to leave with him, Nick ran up behind her, turned her around, and placed his lips on hers.

Disgusted and furious, Demi pushed herself away from him, slapping him as hard she could. Nick held his now bruising cheek in his left hand.

“And that’s for thinking one stupid kiss would fix everything!” Demi yelled.

Losing all his hope, Nick watched as Demi rolled her eyes at him and turned around, walking away.

“I’m sorry!” he yelled at her, not expecting her to respond.

And she didn’t. She just kept walking, all of her bags colliding with each other.

Nick watched her bags. She had a small black and white bag in both of her hands. Make-up, he assumed. He saw a pink bag in her right hand, reading Victoria’s Secret. Lingerie, he knew. Another bag collided with another, a white one. He assumed jewelry. The last bag was draped in both of her hands. He knew exactly what that was. It looked extremely heavy, at least thirty pounds. He felt his heart drop, thinking about what it was.

I’m such an idiot, he thought.

Looking at the huge white bag again, he finally admitted to himself what it was – her wedding dress.

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