Horrible lunch//13

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Shelby's pov-
I wake up and get up. I go to my closet and get a baige sweater and a marron skirt and tights.

 I go to my closet and get a baige sweater and a marron skirt and tights

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I put it on and went to get breakfast. I make myself a waffle and then I head out with my stuff. I walk over to Ross's house to see his dad opening the door for me! I walk in and run upstairs to Ross's room. I walk in to see him crying and Max comforting him. "Mithross!" I say and make Ross laugh a bit.
"Shelax!" He says back to me cheering up.
"Rossmau!" Max says chuckling.
"Newscapecomics!" I say trying to make the best ship.
"Haha nice one but how about Adeasa!" Ross says.
"Nah guys it's all about Redney!" Max exclaims. We nod and then we get their stuff and leave. I'm glad we cheered Ross up. He doesn't really like his dad at all. Maybe he can stay with me for a while. While we were walking we see Jess she starts walking with us and then we see Cory and Uni. We call them over and they come over to us. I look at them and smirk they both blush and then I am in aw.
"Awww!" Then I put my hand over my mouth and look back forward before anyone could see me. We keep walking and we make it to school and go to our homeroom. We sit down and wait till first period. When we get to first period we continue to work on our project. Since we were halfway done we finished and then the teacher let us go on our phones. I text Uni and Cory in a group chat with us three.

I saw that guys you to are so cute but you can't hide it from everyone for this long you know!

Ugh I know Uni are you ok with telling everyone what happened?

Um I don't know but then Jess will start shipping us!

She already does that Uni!


Ok I mean we can if your ok with it but you do the talking we will tell them at lunch.

Ok btw everyone in the group ships you guys a lot! Just thought you should know.

Oh yay great!

Woo hoo😂!

Ok let's stop texting before Max sees out conversation off of my phone😂!

Ok bai!


Texting stops-
I look at them and nod. They nod back then I look at Max. "Hi Max!"
"Hi Shelby what's up!?"he says tuning to me.
"I'm bored!" I say leaning back.
"Ok what do you want to do?" He says putting his arm around me. I shrug and look at Cory and Uni talking. Max sees me and says "They would be cute together. Don't you think?"
"Yeah they would!" Ross and Jess walked over to us. "Hey guys what's up?"
"We wanna set them up." Jess whispers and points and Cory and Uni.
"Doesn't everyone?" Max says. Then we see Cory and Uni walking over to us.
"Whatcha talking about?" Cory asks us.
"We wanna set up u-uh red and Barney yeah!" I say before Jess can talk.
"U-uh yeah!" Jess says.
"Cool can we help?" Uni asks staring at me. Does he realize that it wasn't red and Barney. Oh no.
"U-uh yeah sure!" I say. "What about the park? Or the beach?"
"Oh yeah maybe!" Uni says looking at me like he is about to kill me. He probably is. The bell rings and we leave for lunch. Are they really gonna tell them? We get to the lunch tables to see everyone there except for Uni.
"Cory where is Uni?"I say looking at him like go get him.
"I'll go find him!" He says walking away.
Cory's pov-
I leave the lunch table to go find Uni. I walk into the bathroom to crying from one of the stalls. I was Uni. The stall was locked so I crawled under the door and sat next to him. I hugged him and he started to cry into my chest again. "Uni are you ok?" He turns his head and shakes it and goes back to my chest. He is adorable. "Uni do you want to tell them or no?" He nods his head. "Well let's go tell them!" I try to get up but he doesn't let me. He pulls me down and kisses me and goes back to crying. "Uni they are our friends we can tell them anything."
"But*sniff* what if we can't?" He says still trying to stop crying.
"What do you mean?"I say looking him in his glossy eyes.
"What if they laugh at us!" He yells at me. I can tell he doesn't want to be here. I can see he is sweating so I go over and take his jacket of. Don't worry he has a shirt on. I look at his face then his arms that he is trying to hide. I grab his arm. And see cuts all along his arm.
"Uni let me help you Uni will you just breathe!" I sit him down.
"You can't help me no one can no one cares!" He yells at me and sits down and starts crying again. I sit next to him.
"I care Uni I care about you now please breathe!" I sit and try to hug him but he doesn't let me.
"I don't want to be here I just want to die sometimes!" He yells still crying.
"No Uni I don't know what I would do without you here to cheer me up!"
"You would live a happier life with out me!" He gets up and runs out of the stall and out if the bathroom. He tuns past the lunch tables and I can hear everyone asking Uni to come over there but he just keeps running and so do I. Luckily I'm faster than him so I caught up and stopped him from leaving. I turn him around and look him in the eyes.
"My life wouldn't be complete with out you." I can see him starting to cry again. The others caught up and walked over to us.
"What happened?" Jess and Shelby ask and then see Uni hiding his arms.
"Show them Uni." I say looking at him" we can help." He shows all of them his arms and they all. Gasp and give him a hug. A tight hug.
"So you still gonna tell?" Shelby asks. I nod and so does Uni.
"Can you?" Uni asks looking down at the floor. Shelby nods.
"So these two may or may not have kissed when Uni ran to the bathroom at my house. You guys know what I mean Jess Ross and Max......" she finishes explaining and everyone is in aw. "So yeah that's pretty much what happened!"
"Aww your guys are perfect together." Jess exclaims.
"U-uh t-thx." Uni says looking at the ground.
"Uni you ok?" I ask looking at him. He looks up and starts to tear up. I walk over to him and give him a hug. "Uni it's ok we are all here for you." Still in a hug he starts to cry into my chest again. He continues to cry as the bell rings. "Come on Uni let's get to class." I'm holding him and we are walking to class. We get into class and sit down luckily we sit next to each other.
Shelby's pov-
We sit down and we finish our class work. Me and Max ask the teacher if we can go on our phones and she says "yes just no distracting others."
"Ok." We sit back down and pull out our phones I go on instagram and look through Max's photos cause I'm bored. I look through to about last year. The picture says ' with my girl!💕😘' it was him and a girl with brown hair and Luigi hat on. "Max who is this? She looks like a nice person."
"Oh that's Krista may old girlfriend." He says looking at the picture. Almost tearing up.
"Oh I'm sorry for asking." I say looking down at my feet.
"I-its ok you didn't know." He says trying not to cry I want to ask what happened but I don't want to make him more sad.
"It's ok I know how you feel." I say almost tearing up but then I fell Someone hugging me. It was Max.
"Sh it's ok they were both assholes for doing that to us. They should have never done that but now we are together so it's ok." He says trying to comfort me.
"Wait she chea..."before I could finish he nods "oh." I say looking down again. He pulls my head up and looks me in the eyes.
"Everything is ok now." Luckily we sit in the back of the class. Just then the bell rings an we all leave.

Ok guys I know I haven't been doing much shelax in the story so I'll try to do more so yeah we got 1525 words yay.

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