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Time skip to walking home-
Max's pov-
I was walking home alone cause we already passed Shelby's house. I saw a girl with red hair at my door. I run up to her and hug her. It was my sister Dawn. (@Anna-WolfAlpha ). "Dawn where have you been for the past 6 years?"
"Max where are mom and dad?" She says like she is crying.
"No one told you. Oh well Mom was cooking and kinda set the house on fire. dad came running in to put it out. By the time I was in there the firemen were there. Dad grabbed me and threw me outside into one of the firemens arms. I cried.a lot. Dad sacrificed hisself for me. Mom had already died cause she was caught on fire. Dad thought she was still alive that's why he went back into the house." I could feel myself tearing up.
"Max aren't we all sorcerers?Dad could have put the fire out with his water."
"He lost his power the day before."
"Do you still have your fire Max? Like me?" I nod and make some flames in my hand. "Max we need to live together can I live with you?"
"Yes dawn you can are you going to go to school with me?"
"Yes if that's ok. And does Shelby still live here me and her were best friends?" At that point I grabbed her arm and ran towards Shelby's house. When we got there I ran inside and upstairs to Shelby's room. Dawn still behind me.
"What Max?" She says opening he door. She kisses me on the cheek.
"Look who came back!" I look towards dawn and Shelby ran towards her and gave her a big hug. Ross ran out of his room and spotted dawn too. He ran up and eventually we were all in a group hug. When we all let go I grabbed Shelby's hand. "Dawn, me and Shelby are dating."
"Yay! I always new you two were perfect!" I blush a little. Dawn looks around to see Ross and she starts to blush.
"Oh does someone have a crush." I whisper to dawn.
"Shut up." She whisper yells to me. I chuckle. I look over at Ross and he is blushing too. 
"Get a room you two!" Shelby exclaims. The two blush even more. "So dawn you going to go to school with us?"
"Yeah is it ok if I hang with you guys?"
"Yeah of course oh and um Ross Jess told me her cousin is back." He looked at her with panic in his face.
"What's so bad about that?" I asked.
"Well Glory is kinda obsessed with Ross."(@GlorybringerRulesAll )
"Oh no!" Dawn said.
"And Jess is too nice so she may or may not be hanging out with us."
"This is bad this is really bad!" Ross says panicking.
"It's ok Ross we will make sure she does nothing to you." Dawn says going over to comfort him. I can see a slight blush on Ross's face. I can see Shelby pull down her sleeve slightly. It was probably just uncomfortable for her.
"Hey shubs you ok?"
"Yeah just tired which reminds me," she pulls out her phone and shows me the time "you guys should get going back home your mom is probably worried sick." I look over at dawn. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes.
"Yeah we should get going." I say she nods and we leave.
"Why haven't you told them?"
"Because I don't want them to worry about me. Shelby worried about Ross so much that now he is living with her."
"Oh ok but you should tell them at some point max they need to know."
"Ok." We continue walking. "Oh and you never answered my question where were you the past 6 years?"
"Uh um was k-kidnapped by some ice sorcerers."
"Oh." Then everything went silent. When we made it back home I showed Dawn to her room. "I tried to buy stuff for you just incase you came back."
"Thx max I like it!"
"No problem ok don't forget you have school tomorrow so I will wake you up early."
"Ok Goodnight Max!"
"Goodnight!" I close the door and walk to my room. I close the door and I flop onto my bed. I fall into a deep sleep.
Shelby's pov-
I really don't want anyone to find out about mine and Ross's water power. Since we are cousins and descendants of two sisters with water powers we both got the powers. "Hey Ross."
"Do you think that they will find out about our powers?"
"What Shelby no unless we show them they will never find out."
"Ok I just don't want anyone to think I'm a freak. These are the reasons I do this to myself."
"Oh Shelby you are not a freak and if they think you are that means I am too."
"Ok and so Dawn huh?"
"W-what n-no um I mean uh well..." he starts to blush.
"It's ok just let it out I know you like her and I'm pretty sure she likes you so go for it!"
"Ok maybe we should throw a party for her returning."
"Oo yeah good idea Ross. Ok well good night see you in the morning!"
"Goodnight Shelby." I walk out of his room and close the door. I walk to my room and fall into a deep sleep.
Time skip to morning-
I was woken up by dawn. She had a worried look on her face. "What happened what's wrong?" I look all around the room to see my bed, rug, and floor soaking wet.
"Sh don't tell Max." She nods and I get up. I get ready. Once again wearing a hoodie. This time it was a bright blue one. Ross was also wearing blue. "Ross why are you wearing blue too my mind told me too." I whisper to him.
"Shelby its annual sorcerers day so we have to wear our colors remember."
"Oh yeah." I giggle. I look at dawn and Max they are wearing red. Eh that is Max's favorite color. But why was Dawn wearing red too? Probably all she had since she just came back. Yeah thats probably it. "Ready to go?"
"Yup!" Dawn say running out the door. I chase after her. Ross and Max were just walking behind. When we get to the school we run straight to the office. "Hello I'm new my name is Dawn LaPlume I would like my schedule."
"Hold on ms. LaPlume we will have it in a minute . Ah here we go now um oh Shelby take her around the school i will give you a excuse slip."
"Ok Mrs. Smith!" I grab her hand and we leave the office. "Ok looks like you have most classes with me and Jess but all with Max and Ross!"
"Ok but one question who is Jess?"
"Oh yeah you haven't met her come on let's go then I will show you around."
"Ok." We walk to the spot to see red and Barney blushing.
"Jess what did you do?"
"I just mentioned Redney."
"Ok but remember red is sensitive."
"Ok." She looks down in defeat. "Oh Shelby who is this?"
"This is Max's sister Dawn!"
"Max you have a sister!" She say turning towards him.
"Yeah but she was kidnapped for 6 years."
"Oh my god Dawn why didn't you tell me this!" I say hugging her.
"I didn't have the time."
"Any ways Ross you might want to run cause my cousin will be here in 2 minutes so let's get to homeroom."
"Yeah let's go!" Ross says running away. We all chase after him. We make it to class and Dawn and me leave cause I have to show her around.
"Ok so that's our homeroom."
"Ok!" We continue our tour and we finally make it to the last class.
"So this one just like the last two classes you don't have with me you have them with Ross and Max."
"Ok thx Shelby let's get back to class." I was second period so we went to that class.
"Ah Shelby and Dawn why are you late." I hand her the slip. "Ok go give this to your other teachers real quick." I nod and we leave.
"So you and Ross huh?" She blushes. "Come on you can't hide it from me."
"Ok fine I like him a lot I always have. And hold up when we're you a sorcerer?"
"Forever but you can't tell anyone. And by the way so is Ross. And why were you and Max both wearing red huh?"
"Um fire." She says making a small flame in her hand. "No telling anyone even the boys!" She says pointing her pinkie out.
"Never." I say making a pinkie promise. "Unless we choose to cause at some point we will both be dating them."
"Ok deal." Then we arrive at our first period we walk in and give her the slip. She gives it back and then we walk out. We walk to our homeroom cause it's the class right next to our first period. We give him the slip then we go back to our second period.

Ok guys two new characters and sorry to making one of them crazy but it just worked out so well. Anyways those are the two characters I'm adding. I'm not posting late today cause my dad is letting us have a lazy day. Anyways love you guys. 1610 words you guys at the absolute best. Bai!

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