Shy girl//15

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Shelby's pov-
"Do you remember?" Max asks me like he was so scared. I nod. And begin to tear up. I jump onto him and embrace with a big hug. I start to cry a little.
"I'm sorry I left you Max I don't mean to." I say in between sniffles.
"Sh it is ok don't worry." He says patting my back. I let go and we continue to walk to class. "Oo Shelby look there is a new girl in your seat." He whispers to me.
"And there is a new guy in yours they are probably related. Let's go say hi!" I say walking over to them with Max behind me. "Hello my name is Shelby and this is Max are you new!?" I ask in my squeaky 9 year old boy voice. The girl seemed shy and she nodded looking down. The boy nodded. "Are you two related?"
"No I'm Tim." He said looking at me and Max.
"Oh what's your name I say looking at the girl.
"... m-my n-name is e-em..." she says sorta looking at me and then back down.
"Oh hi em and Tim and by the way these are our seats but there are two seats right next to us there." I say pointing at another two desks smiling.
"Oh ok come on em let's sit here! And I wanted to ask are you two a thing?" He asks us. We turn to each other and smile then nod. "Oh ok! I wish I could have a girl friend." He says. I turn around to Jess cause I knew she heard us. She was shaking. Ross aw it too and was trying to calm her down. He succeeded and then she looked at me then em and Tim. I nod and smirk.
"Now we have three." I whisper to her and she squeals. I turn back around and we start class.
Time skip to lunch-
I see Adam and I see that he was walking with Tim. I wave and walk over with Jess by my side. "Oh hi Tim I see you have met Adam and probably red and Barney too!" He nods.
"I even introduced him to Aleasa!" Adam say and realizes what he said as me and Jess smirk at him and he starts blushing.
"What's wrong Adam?" Tim asks.
"Oh I just mentioned my girlfriend and these two just LOVE when I do that." He say exaggerating he live in that sentence. Then I turn around to see Em surrounded by a bunch of guys. I run over.
"GET OUT IF HERE NICK!" I yell at them running over to set Em.
"What if I don't want to?" He says with a smirk.
"Then I'll do this!" I say walking over and kicking him in the nuts. And then running back to Em. I grab her hand and take her over to the others.
".... w-who were t-they?" Em asks me siting next to Tim and me.
"Oh that was nick and his gang we are friends but sometimes he can be a real jackass. Ok let's say most of the time." I say laughing a bit. She looks down. "What's wrong?"
"... w-well you stood up for me and you are so nice to me. I didn't think I would have any friends." She says looking down a bit. At this point Max and Ross walked up.
"Oh no what happened this time?" Max says sitting next to me.
"Nick." I say looking at him. Then I hug Em and she starts to cry into me. Then she stops. "Sh it's ok." Then she randomly hugs Tim and crys into his chest. I can see Tim blushing then I look at Jess and would you have ever guessed she was snapping g pictures and squealing. "Jess!" I whisper yell at her. Em she looks down and stops. Em is still crying then she stops. I look at Jess then Adam they both nod. "Em can you come to the bathroom with me? And Jess and Aleasa? Girl talk!" They all nod and get up. We get to the bathroom and all three of us look at Em.
"Ok Em we are going to ask you something and you have to give us your honest answer and no lie. Ok."
"Ok." She says confused.
"Why did you hug Tim when you were facing Shelby?" Aleasa asks.
"U-uh I mean u-uh...." she says looking down and blushing. "I mean he seems nice.."
"Come on Em we know you like him so come on just spit it out."
"OK I THINK HE IS REALLY CUTE AND NICE AND I THINK I LIKE HIM!" She spits then starts to blush again. I look at eh other two and we all nod.
"Ok ok we are having a sleepover at my house Saturday no saying no your coming em." I say looking at her and she nods. We stay in there and then I look out the door and thumbs up to Adam. He nods and we all walk out.
Max's pov-
The girls walked to the bathroom and we all look at Tim. "W-what?"
"Oh you know what why was your face bright pink?" Adam and me say. He looks down and blushes. "You know it's kinda obvious Tim." Adam says looking at him.
"Ok maybe I like Em a little." He says blushing a lot now.
" oh ok and Tim you know Shelby invited all of us to a sleepover on Saturday!" I say smirking at red and Barney and Cory and Uni. They shake their heads no and I nod my head yes and chuckle.
"Oh ok I'll be there can I have your guys number?"
"Oh yeah sure I'll give you the girls too and I'll ask Shelby for Em's later!"
"Oh ok thx Max." I grab him phone and put all of our numbers into it. I give it back to him and the girls walk over. Shelby sits next to me and I give her a quick kiss and then I nod and she nods back I could see that Em and Tim were confused. I chuckled a little and then the bell rang.

Short chapter because I'm lazy and yeah sorry for not posting in a while I just wasn't into it some drama happened and I was just out of it so I'm very sorry just though you should know. I'm gonna try posting my but I'm becoming mire social and I think I'm having a friend over this weekend so I might not be able to post ok bai I'll stop talking 1120 words woo!

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