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I walk down the isle in my wedding dress with a white and baby pink flower crown on my head. I get up and face max. I smile at him.

"Shelby grace. I have loved you for the longest time. We have know each other since we were like what 6? I just wanted to say thank you for everything you have done for me. I told you I would keep my promise. We will be together forever just like you said." Max says and I start tearing up. He wipes my tears and I laugh a little.

"Do you Agent shed take this man to be your loathly wedded husband. (Insert the speech the priest gives here)?" I giggle.

"I do!" I reply.

"And do you Agent zed take the girl to be your loathly wedded wife.(insert speech again!)?"

"I do!"

"You may now kiss the bride." He says. I look at him and smile. We share a kiss and hear cheers. He picks me up and spins around.

"I told you we would be together forever!"

"I have an announcement for the after party." I say and smile at him.

"Oh well lets get you home so you can change." He runs me to the car and we get in. He drives my home and I change into a simple sweater dress. We go outside and back to the car. We drive to the after party and we well partied.

"Is it time for the announcement?" Jess whispers to me. I nod and hit my spoon on my glass getting everyone's attention.

"Listen everyone I have an announcement. Max. I'm pregnant with twins." I smile at him. I hear cheers from everyone.

"Really?" He asks.

"Yeah a girl and a boy." I say with a smile.

"We are going to have a family!" He hugs me and I nod with a smile plastered across my face.

"Max can you put mae's dress on?" I yell to him.

"Sure!" He yells back. I continue to tie Sheldon's shoes. (Thank you RileyC16 for the suggestions sort if yours didn't get picked!)

"Mommy where are we going?" He asks.

"We are going to Uncle Ross's house to have a play date with your cousins Alexis, Ryan and your other friends Kyle, Kylie, and Lloyd." (Thx Anna-WolfAlpha for names! Also Kyle and Kylie are Tim and Em's kids and Lloyd is red and Barneys!)

"I don't wanna wear a dress I wanna wear jeans and a hoodie!" I hear Mae yell from upstairs.

"Max let her we have to go!" I yell indicating she can wear it. Mae runs down stairs in a maroon hoodie and a pair of her jeans. "Ok lets go guys." Max comes down and we walk outside. We get in the car and drive to Ross's house. The kids get out of the car and run to the door. Ross answers and the kids run inside.

It's our first day of highschool. Me and Sheldon walk to Kyle and Kylie's house so we can walk with them. They come outside and I blush slightly.

"H-hai guys!" I stutter. I kinda like Kyle but he doesn't like me.

"Hi you guys ready to go?" Sheldon asks. They nod and we walk to the school.

"So are Alexis, Ryan, and Lloyd going to this school?" Kylie asks.

"I thinks so but they took the bus." I reply shyly. I sigh and put my hood up.

"You ok Mae?" Kyle asks. I nod blushing but he can't see it. We arrive at the school and I see Alexis getting off of the bus and I run to her. Lloyd and Ryan also get off and I can see Alexis glance at Lloyd then look away. I grab Alexis and Kylie's arms and pull them to the fountain.

"You like Lloyd don't you?" I ask Alexis.

"W-what are you talking about?" She stammers.

"You glanced at him and then looked away blushing. I'm not blind." I reply smirking.

"And what about you huh?" Kylie butts in. I quickly look down.

"I d-don't like anyone." I quickly reply.

"Come on you have blushed around Kyle since like 5th grade. I know you like him." Alexis says. I put my hood over my face even more to cover my blush.

"Well this back fired on me real fast." I mutter.

"Why don't you tell him?" Alexis exclaims.

"Well she doesn't have to." Kylie replies.

"Huh?" I ask.

"You don't need to confess cause they have been listening to us the whole time. Looks like you two need to explain. Imma go to class bai!" Kylie says and skips away.

I awkwardly stand there looking down and I see a pair of feet approach me. I feel my chin being lifted up and i stare into Kyle's big blue eyes.

"Mae is it true do you really like me?" Kyle asks with love in his eyes. I slightly nod.

"I know you don't feel the same. I'm sorry I have to go." I quickly turn around but he turns me back to him. I feel a pair of lips on mine. I realize it was Kyle and I start to kiss him back. After a couple of seconds I pull away from him blushing as red as a tomato.

"I never said I didn't feel the same." He grabs my hand. "Want me to walk you to class?" He asks. I slightly nod and we walk to class.

Well as you can see their kids are here! I will do one more chapter of them but it has some shelax so you should read it when it gets posted. Well bai my corndooooogs!
~( ̿ヮ ̿)

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