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– What can I do for you? – I heard Joan.

– Nothing. – I took another shot. My phone started ringing for the millionth time that night.

– He's going to be so pissed. – she said. I was barely listening to her.

– Let him. – I sighed.

– You have to do something. It's not the first time it happens, Avery. I'll call the cops if I have to. – I widened my eyes.

– God, no. It would infuriate him even more. You don't know what he's capable of. – I shook my head.

– He's capable of killing you if it goes too far. – I laughed quietly at what she had just said.

– What have you been watching anyway? Joan, he wouldn't. – I got up and she grabbed my arm before I nearly fell.

– Let me take you home. – she offered and I nodded.

We stepped out of the pub and into her car. It was freezing in LA at 3 in the morning.

I slowly opened the door to my place, I mean, my boyfriend's place, after struggling with the locker because of how drunk and tired I was. I could hear the TV and his footsteps walking towards me already.

– Where the fuck have you been?! – he yelled at me.

– Shut up, James. You're not my father. – I said drunkenly. I tried to walk past him but he stopped me and grabbed me by my arm.

– I asked you a fucking question!

– It's none of your business! Now let me go! – I looked up at him. He was huge when standing next to me like that. What have I done?

Next thing I know I was dragged to our bedroom by my hair. It had been the 4th time something like that had happened that week. I have had enough of him.


I woke up with an awful headache and got up. After glancing at the bed to see James sleeping peacefully I walked to the bathroom only to look in the mirror and see my horrendous reflection. And once again, just like every other morning, I had the urge to call the police. But just like every other morning, I didn't.

I had a shower and dressed up to cover my bruises. Then I left the house after leaving a note: "I'm off to Joan's. Be back later".

It was Saturday, and I usually spent my Saturday's at my best friend's house, Joan. But on that Saturday I decided otherwise.

I heard my phone ringing after I had breakfast at a nearby café. It was Joan.

– Where are you? – she asked.

– I'm going grocery shopping. I'll catch you at your place later so we can go out.

– Great! Don't take too long, you know I get bored.

– I won't. See you soon. – I hung up. Finally I had some time for myself.

The thing with James was that during the day, I didn't even exist to him. Yet during the night, I couldn't go anywhere. He was always at home, he had no job, and his parents paid his bills because he came from a filthy rich family. We had been dating for one year after we met in college. And I wish that back then I knew what I know now.

My parents lived across the country all the way to Washington DC. And I was stranded in LA, with an ass boyfriend who treated me like shit. I had chosen to move to California after I received a scholarship to take a doctorate in medicine in a university. It had always been my dream to become a doctor and I was basically acing it, until James came along.

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