To new beginnings

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2 weeks later...

I watched as Tom carried yet another box out of the house. I sighed as I stared into the living room. Right there. I thought. Tom and I kissed right there for the first time.

"– I just want to help you but you never ever let me in!

– I don't need nor want your help!

– Don't lie to me, Tom! Stop hiding everything from me! – I had tears running down my cheeks by then.

He got up suddenly, breathing heavily. I took some steps back in fear until I reached the wall and the second right after his lips crashed onto mine and melted into a heated and passionate kiss. I gave in as his hands roamed all over my upper body and I shivered when he grabbed my arms and pinned them up against the wall. He broke the kiss once we were both out of breath and rested his forehead against mine.

– Please tell me you feel the same for me. – he whispered with his eyes closed as if he was making a wish.

– I love you. – I finally said it."

My thoughts were interrupted by Bill's voice.

– Uhm, Avery? A little help here? – he asked. I turned around to see him struggling to hold two huge boxes. I widened my eyes.

– Bill! Are you serious?! – I nearly yelled before I grabbed both boxes and placed them on the floor. – What part of "don't make any unnecessary efforts during the next week" didn't you understand when the doctor talked to you? – I asked, worried.

– You know I'm not capable of sitting around all the damn time. – he complained.

– What happened? – Tom walked into the living room.

– Nothing. – me and Bill said at the same time as I turned to look at Tom.

– Yeah, right. – he rolled his eyes. – Almost forgot you two are partners in crime. I'll take these. – he said as he grabbed the boxes and walked back outside. I turned to face Bill once again. He had a mischievous smile across his face.

– What? – I raised an eyebrow.

– I just remembered some months ago I promised you a tickle attack. – he said, suddenly.

– No way, Bill. – I shook my head as I noticed he was looking behind me. – What is it? – I turned around to check what he was looking at, and before I could do anything Tom suddenly started tickling me. – Ahh! – I yelled as I started laughing uncontrollably. I heard Bill making fun of me as I sat down on the floor and curled up while dying of laughter. – Tom, stop!

– I may not be able to make any efforts but I don't need to anyway cause I have someone to do things for me. – Bill said and I heard Tom laugh before he quit tickling me. I breathed heavily as I laid flat on the floor.

– Fuck you both. – I told them before I felt Tom's lips on mine. I couldn't help but smile through the kiss.

– Oh, come on! – Bill complained and me and Tom chuckled before he helped me get up from the floor. – You guys used to argue all the time. I'm not used to this. – Bill said. Me and Tom looked at each other before he pulled me to him.

– We still do. – Tom said before curving his lips slightly. I glanced at his lip piercing. Oh, how I wanted to kiss him over and over again.

– I love you. – I told him. I saw a smile spread across his face.

– I love you too. – he said before kissing my forehead.

– I love you guys too, but we still have to pack a lot of things. – Bill interrupted. I rolled my eyes as Tom chuckled and let me go.

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