Bad Dreams

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We arrived home nearly at night after spending the whole day at the police station. I walked upstairs immediately but then I decided otherwise.

I went back downstairs and stared at Tom right in his eyes.

– Who the fuck do you think you are?! You can't just go around making people's decisions by yourself! It was my decision to make! All you had to do was respect it! – I repeatedly yelled at him.

– Yours was a bad decision. – he said.

– I get to decide that! Not you! It's my life, not yours!

– Avery... – Bill tried to reason with me.

– You're just like him. Don't even talk to me. – I told him and walked back to my bedroom, locking the door.

I grabbed my bags and started putting all of my things inside them. Once I was done I grabbed them and stepped out of the bedroom.

– Where are you going? – Bill immediately got up from the couch and met me halfway before I could reach the door.

– What does it look like I'm doing? I'm leaving. – I tried to get past him.

– You can't just leave. You have nowhere to go.

– I'll take care of myself, don't worry. Now let me leave.

– Look... – he took a deep breath. – I know how rude and moody Tom can be, but he did it for your own good, I swear.

– I know. He's just so... – I took a deep breath as I felt that acute pain in my stomach again. – ... overbearing sometimes. – I let my bags down, not being able to hold them any longer.

– You okay? – Bill frowned.

- Um, yeah... – I sighed.

– Come on, I'll take those back to your bedroom. – he grabbed my bags and walked upstairs to my room while I followed him. – Are you hungry? – he asked.

– No, I'm fine. – I answered.

– Okay. I'm going to order some pizza for me and Tom. We'll save some for you just in case you change your mind.

– Thanks. – I smiled slightly. He left the room and I sighed deeply and closed the door before I had to face Tom again.

I grabbed my pajamas and walked towards the bathroom to have a shower. I undressed and before I showered I took a glance at the mirror to see just how bad I looked. I finally decided to step in the shower and cry my eyes out trying to get rid of the pain and the memories for a while.

Once I was done I blow dried my hair and went straight to bed. I turned off the lamp just to have to turn it on again after someone knocked on the door.

– Come in. – I sat up and sighed when I saw Tom walking in. He walked closer to me and sat down next to me on the edge of the bed.

– I'm sorry. – he said and sighed. I glanced at his hands which were holding the cream he put on my wounds the day before.

– It's okay... – I said after some seconds of silence.

– No, it isn't. You were right. It was your decision to make. – he opened the cream and started applying it to my arms.

– Why are you like that?

– Like what?

– Always overbearing. – he lifted my shirt to put cream on my stomach's wounds and then shrugged.

– I care about you. And I can't stand to watch you suffer like this. – I shut my eyes and groaned when he touched the worst bruise. – He should pay for what he did to you.

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