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I watched James walk away into the bathroom and close the door. I couldn't breathe properly and I realized he was showering and that I had to get out of there. It took me five long minutes for me to get back on my feet and slowly walk to the bedroom. I grabbed some clothes of mine and put them inside a bag. Then I glanced at myself in the mirror and decided to dress a jacket to cover up my shirt that was covered in blood.

I heard the water stop running and I realized my escape window was shortening. I grabbed as many of my things as I could and stepped out of his house. I got inside my car and anxiously tried to start the engine but my heart was beating so fast and my hands were trembling so much I let my keys fall on the floor of the car. I tried to calm down and take a deep breath before reaching down for the keys.

– Fuck!! – I screamed as my ribs hurt because of bending down. I still had tears running down my cheeks and the pain wasn't going away. I finally managed to start the car and drive away.

I looked at the clock to check if Joan had already landed and then I decided to call her. She picked up in an instant.

– Hey! I'm at the hotel already! How are you? – she sounded excited.

– Joan... – I groaned in pain.

– Avery? What's wrong?

– J-James, he... – I sobbed.

– James? What did he do to you?! – she nearly yelled in exasperation.

– I caught him cheating on me. – I started crying again.

– What?! What did he do to you, Avery? I can tell you're hurting, just tell me already!

– I yelled at him. And he freaked out. I've never seen him like that.

– I'll kill that son of a bitch! Where are you right now? – she was furious.

– Um... – I looked around. – I grabbed some of my stuff and managed to get out of there.

– What do you mean you "managed"? How hurt are you?

– It doesn't matter. I'm parked near the supermarket close to your house.

– Okay, I'm calling the twins right now.

– No! Don't do that. Can't I just stay at your place? – I asked, taking deep breaths meanwhile to ease the pain.

– I took my keys, Avery. There's no way you can go inside. Plus, someone needs to take care of you.

– I'm fine. I don't want them to know. – I groaned.

– I don't care. And you're not fine, at all. I'm calling them right now. Do not move.

– Okay... – I whispered and hung up.

Five minutes later Joan called me again.

– They're on their way. Just hang in there. – I nodded without answering her. I felt like I could pass out at any moment. – Avery? Avery? – she insisted.

– I'm fine. – I whispered and laid my head back on the seat.

I couldn't tell how much time had passed but all of a sudden I heard someone knocking on the window. I opened my eyes to see Bill and Tom pointing at my car's panel so I would unlock the door. I carefully reached for the button and once I unlocked the door they opened it.

– Oh God, Avery. – Bill looked at me and my body.

– We're here. She'll be fine, Joan. Don't worry. – I could hear Tom on the phone with Joan.

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