Safe and Sound

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– Tom? – I called out for him but had no response.

James walked inside the bedroom and saw me. He glanced at my bags and then at the drawers. – Are you leaving again so soon? – he pouted as he walked towards me and I took a few steps back. – You're a bitch, you know that? I got notified a few days ago.

– Shame. – I let out and before I could even take another step away from him he pinned me up against the wall, choking me with all his strength.

– You son of bitch! – I heard Tom's voice and James' grip around my neck loosened. I gasped for air and fell onto the floor once he let me go.

– Who the fuck are you?! – James asked as he lounged at Tom.

Things escalated quickly and a few seconds later they were both fighting each other. James would throw Tom at the wall, Tom would punch him, James would punch Tom, and then suddenly Tom threw James onto the floor and punched him repeatedly on his face. I could see the rage on Tom's eyes as James laughed even while Tom hit him.

– Tom, stop! – I got up and ran over to him before trying to pull him away from James. – That's enough! – I managed to make him fall backwards, separating him from James, who looked like hell.

– Let's get out of here, come on. – he grabbed my hand forcedly and my bag as fast as he could and walked outside of the apartment. Then he opened the passenger's door of his car, let me on the seat and put the seatbelt on me before getting inside the car himself and driving back home.

It was silent for some minutes until he spoke again.

– I knew we shouldn't have gone there! – he nearly yelled at me as he hit the steering wheel with his hands. I bit down on my lip trying not to let anxiety take over me right there and then.

We arrived home and he parked the car before stepping outside. I grabbed my bag and walked inside the house.

– I can take your bag. – he offered.

– You can't take shit! I don't need your help! – I yelled at him.

– Avery-

– And if you didn't want to go, then you should've stayed home on the couch!

– You know I wouldn't let you go there alone not in a million years!

– Yeah, right. Cause you're my father. – I said as I walked up the stairs.

– Okay, then! What if I hadn't gone, huh? I doubt you'd be here right now! – he followed me upstairs. I chose to ignore him and locked my bedroom door right on his face. – Avery, open the door! – he knocked on the door. – Open the door I'm trying to talk to you!

– What the hell is going on here?! – I suddenly heard Bill's voice. – What happened to you?

– What's going on is that Avery decided to go to James' and I had to end him before he ended her! – Tom yelled.

– What?! – I heard Bill sighing. – Avery? – he knocked on my door.

– Just go away. – I told him as I laid down on my bed.


Around two hours later I heard a knock on the door. I pretended not to hear it until it got persistent. I got up from the bed and walked to the door.

– For fuck's sake what is it?! – I opened the door and saw Tom. – Not you again. – I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door but he stopped me.

– Just let me talk to you. – he said calmly.

– I don't want to listen to you. – I turned my back on him and went back to bed where I sat down under the sheets. I watched him come inside the room and close the door behind him.

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