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4 days later...

– Morning. – I said as I got to the kitchen.

– Morning. – the twins said after Bill quickly hid something behind his back. I looked at them with a suspicious look.

– What are you doing? – I asked them.

– Having breakfast. – Bill answered. I squinted my eyes, distrusting what he said.

– What is that? – I pointed at the paper Bill had hidden behind his back.

– Oh, it's just a letter for me. I'm having an interview tomorrow.

– You're such a bad liar. – I rolled my eyes at him. – What is it?

– It's actually true, he's really having an interview tomorrow. – Tom stood up for his brother.

– I was talking about the letter. – I said.

– Just give it to her. – Tom told Bill. Bill sighed and handed the letter to me. I opened it immediately and started reading it.

– Trial?! – I nearly yelled.

– You knew this was coming. – Tom said.

– Yeah, I did. But what if he goes free even after I testify? I have no proof that it was him who did this to me.

– Don't worry. The police have already investigated him and if you're going to trial is because they want to make justice for you. – Bill said. I sat down on a kitchen chair and held my head with my hands. – It'll be fine. – Bill rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. – We'll be there for you. – he said and I nodded.

– Okay, sure. – I said.


I laid down on my bed waiting for Tom to show up to clean my wound as usual. As I expected, he walked in my room after some minutes with yet another bandage.

– Thought you forgot about me, nurse. – I said jokingly and smirked.

– Very funny, aren't you? – he said as he sat down and I giggled. He peeled the bandage off of my stomach. – It looks way better already. – he said.

– Yup. – I nodded as I took a look at the wound.

– Thanks to me, obviously.

– Cocky. – I wrinkled my nose and he smiled at me while cleaning the wound.

– Not cocky. Just realistic.

– Sure. – I laughed. He put the new bandage on the wound and then grabbed my arms gently.

– The other wounds are almost gone. – he said and I nodded.

– I know. Thank you. – I said and he smiled at me.

– You're welcome. – he moved closer to me and kissed my forehead. – Go to sleep now. – I watched as he got up and walked towards the door.

– Good night. – I said before he stepped out of room.


I was unable to fall asleep so soon. I moved from side to side on the bed but nothing would work. I was still thinking about the trial, about James, about everything that could go awfully wrong. I groaned as I pushed the covers away from me and got up. I stepped out of my bedroom and decided to knock on Bill's door. I remembered he was hard to wake up, so I opened his door slowly and walked over to him.

– Bill. – I whispered. Then I tried shaking him a little until his eyes opened.

– Avery? – he mumbled.

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