Safe Haven

814 18 3

3 days later...

– Alright, do you have everything? – Tom asked his parents.

– It's all in your car. – Gordon answered. I was sitting on the couch, talking to Tom's mother before they left to Germany again.

– Take good care of him. – she suddenly told me.

– I- – I hesitated. – I will?

– I hope you make each other happy. I know you will. – she smiled.

– We uh- – I looked around, not knowing what to say.

– Oh, don't bother. I've noticed the way he looks at you. As well as the way you treat him. – she said and I smiled slightly. Was I blushing?

– I'll take care of him. – I assured her, as I glanced at Tom. He looked at me as if he knew that we were talking about him.

– Mom? Come on, we have to go! – he complained all of a sudden and me and Simone chuckled.

– Bye, Avery. – Simone got up.

– Bye. – I waved as she walked out the door.

– What did she want? – Tom whispered.

– Nothing, just go. – I smiled.

– Alright. – he rolled his eyes. – I'll be right back. – he walked closer to me, kissed my forehead and then went out the door.

I walked upstairs to his bedroom and looked around. I picked up his guitar before sitting on his bed. I touched the strings. I loved him. But most importantly, I was happy.

I looked at my phone to check the date. James' trial would be in a week. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes. I wasn't ready.


I woke up as I heard the door shut. I widened my eyes and sat up immediately.

– Hey, it's okay. It's just me. – Tom said as he walked closer to me.

– I know. – I tried to calm down.

– Did you know? – he raised his eyebrow.

– You scared me, that's all.

– I've been scaring you a lot lately. – he said as he sat down next to me.

– Yeah I'm... fine. – I looked around before lying down again. He frowned.

– What's the guitar for? – he pointed at the guitar which I had brought onto the bed.

– For you to play.

– You want me to play? – he sounded surprised.

– Yeah. – I nodded.

– What if I don't want to play?

– It's totally fine. – I shrugged. I felt like I was pushing his buttons. He hadn't played the guitar since the accident.

I watched him as he got up, grabbed the guitar and put it back in its place. Then he laid next to me and grabbed my hand. He pulled me closer to him and stayed silent for a while.

– I know what you're trying to do. – he said suddenly. I frowned.

– What do you mean? – I looked up at him.

– I'm fine, Avery. I just don't want to play.

– Why not though? – I sat up once again. – You haven't played since- – I stopped.

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