Not fine

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I watched Tom as he grabbed our two glasses of wine before going through the fridge once we were done with dinner. He closed the door of the fridge after grabbing a bottle of wine.

– We've already had one bottle. – I pointed at the empty bottle of wine we had on the table. He smiled slightly.

– Go wait in the living room. – he said.

– Fine. – I walked to the living room and sat down on the carpet near the coffee table.

After some seconds he brought the wine bottle together with the glasses and put them on the coffee table. He turned off most of the lights, leaving only two lamps on. The dim lights made it much better. Then he sat down next to me and poured wine on both the glasses before turning the TV on and handing me a glass.

I glanced at him, wondering what was going through his mind. Then I grabbed the remote and turned down the volume of the TV.

– I was thinking... – I started.

– You can think? – he mocked me.

– Stop! – I hit his arm playfully and he laughed.

– Tell me.

– We should get away for a weekend. – I suggested. – I mean, if you want to, obviously. – I took a sip of the wine.

– You mean... – he paused. – ... travel somewhere?

– Yeah. – I tried to decipher what he was thinking. – I've always wanted to visit other parts of the country. But you don't have to go if you don't want to. – I spoke fast.

– I'd love to... – he looked around and my heart sank.

– ...but? – I asked.

– Bill.

– Oh, right. – I nodded.

– I'm sorry. – he moved closer to me.

– No, it's totally fine. Seriously. – I told him as he caressed my hair. I turned up the volume again.

We stood in silence for a while before he took a deep breath and turned the TV off.

– I'll go with you. – he said all of a sudden.

– What? – I looked at him, confused.

– I said-

– I know what you said. – I interrupted him. – But what about Bill?

– Bill won't wake up unless they stop the medication. I think I can handle a weekend away from here. – he said.

– Are you serious? – I couldn't help but smile.

– Pretty much, yeah. – he nodded, smiling slightly.

– Thank you! – I lounged at him, nearly spilling the wine as I hugged him.

– Woah! – he laughed and hugged me back. – Where and when do you want to go? – he asked.

– Next weekend. You choose. – I told him.

– Are you in a hurry? – he raised his eyebrow.

– Yeah. – I nodded.

– Why? – he frowned.

– Because. Come on. – I hit his shoulder playfully.

– Vegas. – he said, smiling before he took a sip of his wine.

– I bet you've been there already.

– And I loved it. – he chuckled.


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