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I woke up feeling like my body was aching even more than the day before, especially my stomach. I decided to get up, wash my face and put on a sweater and sweatpants so I could walk around comfortably. I looked at the bruise I had on my cheek and it was quite smaller and healing slowly. Then I took a look at my stomach and groaned. It reminded me of what had happened less than 24 hours before that.

I stepped out of the bedroom and looked around for any sign of the twins. Their bedroom doors were closed, so I decided to walk downstairs.

I figured they were most likely still asleep, so I sat down on their couch going through my phone looking for a hotel to stay in while Joan was abroad. The twins had done enough for me, and I hated feeling like a burden.

Around half an hour had passed until I heard both of them walk down the stairs while speaking to each other in German. I glanced back at the stairs.

– Oh, hey! – Bill said, smiling.

– Hi. – I answered. Tom simply gave me a small smile and then walked to the kitchen.

– Did you sleep well? – Bill walked closer to me.

– As well as I could.

– Wasn't the bed comfy? – he frowned.

– No- I mean, yes. But the pain wouldn't really let me appreciate it. – I shrugged.

– Right. – I saw him glancing at Tom who was in the kitchen. – Werden Sie das Frühstück vorbereiten? – he asked Tom.

– Ja. – I heard Tom answer. Bill walked over to the couch and sat down beside me before turning the TV on. I could feel his eyes on me from time to time.

– Tom's medicine does wonders. – he finally said.

– I guess so. – I smiled slightly. Then I saw him glancing at my phone.

– What are you doing? – he asked. I giggled internally.

– Why are you always so curious? – I looked at him.

– Can't help it. – he shrugged.

– I'm searching for a place to stay. – I answered blandly.

– Wha- – he widened his eyes. – Tom! Avery's being modest! – he yelled.

– What? No, I'm not!

– Avery stop being modest! – I heard Tom yell from the kitchen. Then I hit Bill's arm.

– She's searching for a place to stay! – Bill continued.

– Great! Did you find our house? – Tom asked me and Bill chuckled.

– Fuck both of you. – I kept scrolling down the website.

– Come on. We could use some company. – Bill rested his back against the couch and stared at the TV again.

– You have each other.

– But then you'll be all alone.

– I like being alone. – I rolled my eyes.

– Tom! Avery is lyin-

– Shush! – I interrupted him and hit his arm again. I could hear Tom laughing from the kitchen.

– Tom! Avery's spanking me! – he started laughing.

– You're such a kid, Kaulitz. – I laughed for some seconds before I felt an acute pain in my stomach. I bit down my lip not to whine.

– You're moving too fast, Avery. – Tom said. – But Bill likes it.

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