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I walked down the stairs rubbing my sore eyes from crying so much the night before when I heard the twins fighting again. I rolled my eyes and stepped into the kitchen. I was done with them.

– Shut up! – I yelled and they immediately stopped, turning their gazes to me.

– Sorry. – they said in unison.

– Next time this happens I'll leave this house for good. – I said as I sat down and started having breakfast.

After that I sat down on the couch to take a call from Joan.

– Hi! How did it go? – she asked.

– It went fine. – I answered.

– You sound off. What happened? – I looked around the room to see if there was any sign of the twins.

– The twins are constantly fighting. I feel like I shouldn't be here.

– And I think they should get their shit together. They'll fix things, don't worry. They really care about you, and about each other as well.

– I hope they do, before I go crazy. – I sighed.

– No sign on James?

– No, thank God. Although he might have been notified by now.

– He sure has. I just hope he stays where he is and doesn't touch you again.

– He won't. I need to grab the rest of my things from his house though.

– Just make sure you don't go alone. – she warned me.

– Don't worry. – I suddenly saw Tom sitting next to me. – I have to go, Joan.

– Okay. Just a few more days and I'll be there. Hold on.

– I know. – I smiled slightly. – Bye.

– Bye! – she said and hung up.

– What is it? – I looked at Tom.

– Thought you'd like to come with us. – he said.

– Where?

– The studio.

– And I thought I needed to rest. – I said blandly as I got up.

– Avery, wait. – he grabbed me by my wrist and got up as well. – I'm really sorry. I was worried about you.

– And...?

– Aaand... I acted like a jerk?

– Tell me about it. – I smiled slightly.

– Do you want to come, or not?

– I do. – I answered and he smiled.

– We have to do something first though. – he said.

– What?

– Take your bandage off and clean the wound.

– What? Why? – I frowned.

– Cause the doctor told me to. Or do you want to risk an infection?

– No. I know. Sure. – I saw Bill coming into the living room.

– I can't watch it, sorry. – Bill said.

– Pussy. – Tom said and I giggled. – He's creeped out by stitches. – Tom explained.

– Oh, I see. It's okay. – I shrugged.

– Come on. –Tom grabbed my hand and walked towards my bedroom.

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