The odds are in our favor

645 18 9

– Hey.

I put my hands to my mouth in disbelief as I heard Bill's voice and saw him appear from behind Tom with a saline stand.

– Oh. – I started crying as I couldn't hold my emotions and hid my face in my hands.

– Why does everyone start crying once they see me? Aren't you people happy I'm awake and fine? – Bill said jokingly and I heard Tom laughing. I felt a hand rub my back and looked up to see Tom smiling at me. Then I looked at Bill again. He smiled at me. I had missed that smile so much.

I got up immediately. Tom tried to help me but I was faster than him and ran towards Bill, hugging him tight as I reached him.

– Woah! – Bill exclaimed.

– Careful with him, Avery. – Tom said but I ignored him.

– It's okay. – Bill told Tom as he hugged me back.

– I missed you so much. – I nearly whispered as I felt some more tears roll down my cheeks. He kissed my head and then let me go to take a look at me.

– You okay? – he asked as he examined me. He was just like his brother.

– Yeah. – I nodded.

– Good. – he smiled sweetly before pulling me to him again.

– For how long have you been awake? – I asked him.

– A few days. – he answered.

– And you didn't tell me?! – I complained to Tom.

– You didn't want to talk. You threw me out.

– You told him? – I asked Tom.

– What?

– About us.

– I didn't even have to tell him. – he answered and Bill chuckled. – He was like "Where's Avery? Are you two married yet?" before I could even update him on everything. – he said and I laughed.

– I'm glad you're not. Cause if you were I wouldn't have been at the wedding eating all of the food. – Bill said, making us laugh.

– When can you leave? – I asked Bill.

– The doctors told us he should stay for one more week. – Tom answered for him.

– Good, cause I miss you around the house. – I told Bill and he suddenly gave Tom a look. – What is it?

– Nothing. – Tom answered quickly.

– No, Bill gave you a look. – I pointed at Bill.

– It's nothing, Avery. – Bill tried to reassure me. – I'm going back to my room before the nurses kill me.

– But you just got here. – I frowned.

– I know and you can go in my room whenever you want. Plus, Tom really needs to talk to you. – he said and looked at Tom. – Right? – he raised an eyebrow at him.

– Yeah, he's right. – Tom said and sighed. I frowned.

– What's wrong? – I asked, worried.

– Nothing's wrong. We just need to talk. – Tom told me and I nodded.

– Okay, then. – I gave up.

– Alright. I'll see you soon. – Bill said before exiting the room and closing the door behind him.

– So, what is it? – I turned to Tom, impatiently.

– You can go back to bed now. – he said. I rolled my eyes and walked back into bed.

– Is it James? Did he run away? Is he dead? What is it? You're freaking me out! – I complained as I watched him sitting next to me.

– No, Avery. I don't know anything about James yet.

– What do you mean "yet"? – I frowned.

– I haven't asked the doctors. – he shrugged.

– Oh God, what if I killed him? – I put my hands to my head. I was freaking out. Would I go to jail? But it was in self-defense. But there was no proof that it was.

– Avery, stop! – I felt Tom's hands gently grabbing my wrists and pulling my arms down. I looked at him, desperately. – James is going directly into jail after what he did.

How he managed to calm me down by simply looking at me or touching me was seriously unexplainable. I was still trying to figure out how he did it after all that time. How exactly did he put up with me?

– Avery? Are you there? – he pulled me out of my thoughts as he waved a hand in front of my face.

– I love you. – I let out. He chuckled.

– Are you okay? – he caressed my cheek and I nodded my head as I let out a sigh I hadn't realized I was holding. – I sold the house. – he said suddenly. I widened my eyes.

– What the-

– Calm down. – he interrupted me.

– But when? Why? – I pushed his hand off of my cheek.

– Once Bill woke up. – he said.

– Did Bill agree? – I asked.

– I didn't tell him until I actually sold it, which was two days ago.

– What? But why? – I was still confused.

– Because when he woke up, I realized I didn't want any of you back in there again. Especially after what happened to you today. – he explained. – I don't want us to live inside that house and remember everything that has happened to us every single day.

– Good things happened too. – I told him.

– I know. But more good things are to come. So I believe we should leave the bad ones behind. – he said and I nodded in agreement.

– Well, where are you going to live now?

– I already found a place. We have a few weeks to move out, and once we're done we can move into the new one.

– Okay. – I nodded. – It was time I found a place for myself as well.

– No way, you're staying with us, Avery. – he said.

– No, I'm not. Ever since I came into your lives all kind of bad things have happened.  – this was the rawest truth.

– Look at me. – he touched my chin gently, making me face him. – I love you and I want you to come live with me.

– I have no money to pay for rent. At least not until I start on my job. – I argued.

– I don't care about that. I need to have you next to me, don't you get it? – he frowned. Why were my eyes watering? I knew he loved me. I just didn't know he needed me.

– Okay. – I nodded. I need you too.

He pulled me closer to him and I hid my face in his neck as I inhaled his scent. Did he know I needed him? He kept me alive. He loved me when I thought I couldn't be loved. He took care of me when I thought no one would want to.

– I need you too. – I whispered.

– I know. – he said. Good. I closed my eyes in relief as I exhaled.


Alright! We're coming to an end and it's making me seriously sad that it's almost over. I loved writing this, but most importantly I loved your support and feedback on this story!

By the way, later today the first chapter of my new story will be uploaded, so stay tuned for one more adventure with the twins in a whole new storyline! (Georg and Gustav will be there too!) I hope you like it xo

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