Back to hell

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– Is that your sweet boyfriend over the phone? – James asked.

My hands were trembling. He grabbed my phone from my hand and hung up the call before throwing the phone against a wall. I shivered as I heard the phone shatter and the door shut loudly as he stepped inside the house.

– What are you doing here? – I asked as I took some steps back in fear. – You can't be here.

– I can't? Well, no one stopped me. – he said as he kept on walking towards me. My back suddenly hit a wall. I was trapped.

– You have a restraining order. – I told him as I looked around, trying to figure out how to escape from him.

– But I missed you. – he suddenly grabbed both my wrists and pinned my arms up against the wall before kissing my neck. I felt disgusted and helpless.

– Stop it! – I tried to fight back but his grip got stronger. Then I suddenly raised my knee and hit him in his balls as hard as I could. He immediately set me free and crouched in pain. My breathing was erratic and I felt my fever getting worse.

I ran towards where he threw my phone at and grabbed it. The screen was shattered but I could still unlock it and pressed Tom's name on it before I glanced at the cutlery on the counter of the kitchen and grabbed a knife from it. Then all of a sudden I felt James lounging at me and pushing me down against the floor. I hit my head hard and my phone and the knife slid away from me.

– You're pissing me off! – he yelled furiously as he sat down on top of me and started to unbutton my jeans. I groaned in pain as I tried to push him off of me.

– Please, stop! – I cried out as he started unbuttoning his jeans as well.

I suddenly heard the front door open and before James could pull my jeans down I heard Tom's voice.

– Avery?!

James immediately stopped what he was doing and pulled out a gun from his jeans. He grabbed me and got up, wrapping one arm around my neck and pointing the gun to my head as Tom ran into the kitchen.

– Stop right there! – James yelled at Tom and he stopped, with his arms up in defense. I looked at Tom desperately and saw pain in his eyes.

– Please, don't hurt her. – Tom begged James, calmly.

– I want you out of here. She's mine! – James yelled louder as he pressed the gun with more force against my head. I cried in fear as I grabbed James' arm that was around my neck to try to alleviate the pressure.

– Fine, but there's no need for you to hurt her. – Tom tried to reason with him. I watched as Tom's eyes travelled down my body and stopped at the open zip of my jeans. He shut his eyes.

– He didn't do anything to me. – I told Tom quickly so he would calm down before James tightened his arm around my neck, preventing me from saying anything else. I saw Tom's body relax a bit more.

– I wasn't going to hurt her. I was going to give her what she wants. – James said before his gun travelled from my head down to my unzipped jeans. I shut my eyes as I felt him pulling down my panties slightly.

– Don't you dare touch her! – Tom yelled furiously as he took a step closer. James immediately pointed the gun at him.

– Stop! Don't hurt him, please! – I yelled as I cried and tried to set myself free.

– You don't tell me what to do! Do you understand?! – James yelled as he took some steps towards Tom with the gun still pointing at him. Tom took some steps back. All of a sudden we all heard sirens from outside the house.

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