A sweet goodbye & an unpleasant hello

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I pulled my hair up before Tom zipped my long black dress. We were getting ready for dinner.

– Where are we going? – I asked him once I put on my wedge sandals.

– Upstairs. – he said.

– What? – I was confused. I followed him out the door and into the elevator.

– I said upstairs. – he repeated as he pushed the button to the last floor of the hotel. I shivered. It had more than enough floors.

The elevator doors opened and we stepped out directly into a huge restaurant at the roof of the hotel. I looked around in astonishment as Tom asked for a table for two. There were dim lights and candles all over the restaurant. We walked towards an open area that had no roof and was surrounded by glass, which allowed us to see the sky and the city. We sat down at last and I looked through the menu while thinking of how glad I was for having dressed up nicely.


We caught a taxi after dinner and it drove us quite far away from the hotel through the Strip. We stopped once we reached a huge hotel called The Venetian.

I looked around with wide eyes as we stepped inside the hotel. Everything looked just like Venice. There were even water canals and gondolas.

– Tell me we're going to board one of those, please. – I said expectant as I looked at Tom. He smiled at me.

– We are. – he answered and I chuckled.

– I feel like I've seen the whole world in two days. – I told him as I walked around examining every little thing.

– Come on. – he grabbed my hand and we walked towards the gondolas.

We boarded one and sailed through the canals which allowed us to take a look around the beautiful hotel.

After visiting The Venetian we stepped outside, grabbed an ice cream and walked around, occasionally going inside some stores before we finally headed back to the hotel.


I grabbed my suitcase and started packing my things once we were back in our hotel room. The morning after we would be going back to L.A.

– Avery? – I heard Tom from the bathroom as I was about to grab some more clothes to put in the suitcase.

– Yes? – I frowned and walked towards the bathroom. – What is it? – before I could say anything else he grabbed me and placed me in front of the mirror.

– I have something for you. – he said.

– Wha- – I tried to take a look at what he had in his hands but he stopped me.

– Don't move.

– Fine. – I sighed and crossed my arms.

Then I watched as he placed a beautiful silver necklace around my neck. I widened my eyes as I took the letter "A" hanging from the necklace in my hands. I smiled.

– When did you get this? – I turned around to face him.

– You were quite distracted in the jewelry store. – he raised an eyebrow and I chuckled.

– Thank you. I love it. – I told him as he pulled me closer to him and kissed my forehead.


Once we were done packing our bags I threw myself onto the bed. After only five minutes Tom stepped out of the bathroom in his boxers and laid beside me.

– You tired? – I asked him as I took a look at his torso.

– A bit. – he laid on his side and glanced at me as I stroked his hair.

I suddenly smiled slightly at the thought of touching him and without further notice I rolled him over on his back and went on top of him. He widened his eyes.

– You bored? – he asked and gave me a cheeky smile. I wrinkled my nose as I nodded my head and before I could even move an inch he had me pinned down to the bed and started kissing me.

He kissed my neck, up to my lips again, nearly leaving me out of breath. I felt his hands slowly travelling all over my upper body and occasionally tugging at my shirt. I could feel his cold lip piercing against my lips and I playfully bit his lower lip, earning a moan from him. He broke the kiss and looked at me before glancing at my shirt.

– Can I? – he asked, grabbing my shirt. I nodded without hesitating and he immediately pulled up my shirt and removed it.

He took his time laying his eyes on my naked body and kissing my chest down to my belly lightly. I had never felt like that in my entire life. He had actually asked me for permission. He had actually taken his time cherishing me. Everything about what I was feeling was unfamiliar but at the same time it felt amazingly right.

My body was covered in goosebumps from his touch and he pressed his body against mine, making me moan. Just moments later his hands traveled further down and he tugged at my panties, giving me a look before moving on.

I nodded in approval and in a second all my clothes were on the floor. Then his lips suddenly crashed onto mine preventing me from thinking that I was completely exposed to him right there and then.

My hands wandered all over his back and torso, landing on his boxers. I managed to pull them down and he took them off in an instant. Then he reached for his suitcase that was next to the bed and grabbed a condom, putting it on skillfully before proceeding to kiss me again.

I wrapped my legs around him, pulling him closer to me and gently grabbed his hair as he entered me slowly. I couldn't help but moan against his neck as he started pushing in and out of me. I started digging my nails into his back as he moved faster and it drove me crazy when I heard him moan right into my ear.

He kept on kissing my lips, my neck, my shoulders as we both lost ourselves in each other and moaned out of pleasure until we were both done.


Tom laid down beside me and pulled the sheets over us. Both our breathings were erratic. He turned off the lamp on the bedside table, leaving the room slightly illuminated by the mere city lights. Then he pulled me closer to him.

– You okay? – he asked as he caressed my hair.

– Yeah. You're... – I tried to think of the right words.

– Amazing? – he said, smiling wide.

– Self-centered. – I told him and we both laughed.

– I love you. – he kissed my forehead.

– I love you too. – I cuddled closer to him, before we both slid into sleep.


The plane landed in L.A. soon after midday and we were back at his house early in the afternoon after passing by the hospital to visit Bill.

We both started unpacking our suitcases and tidying the bedroom.

– I need a shower. – Tom said once he was done.

– Go ahead.

– Be right back. – he said before walking into the bathroom.

I quickly finished unpacking my bag and ten minutes into Tom's shower I heard the doorbell ring. I frowned as I couldn't think of anyone who would know where Tom lived other than his family and friends and was supposed to visit him on that day.

I walked down the stairs and opened the front door without a second thought. In front of me stood a slim blonde woman.

– Oh, hey. – she said in a thin voice. – Uhm... – she hesitated as she looked at me. – Do Tom and Bill still live here or...? – she asked.

– Yeah. – I answered, unsure of what to say.

– Oh, great! Hi, I'm Vanessa. – she pulled out her hand for me to shake. Shit.

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