Odds are against us

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– I'm off to pick up Joan at the airport. – I told the twins as I grabbed my car keys.

– Don't take too long or Tom will miss you. – Bill said, earning a rather mad look from Tom.

– Miss her? I'll be glad she's gone so I can finally rest. – Tom said, walking closer to me.

– Yeah, sure. – I said and giggled before opening the front door and heading towards my car.


I arrived at the airport and waited for Joan for around half an hour before I finally saw her and nearly ran towards her, pulling her into a tight hug.

– I missed you. – I said, well aware of how tight I was hugging her.

– You're choking me. – she said coughing slightly. I chuckled before she hugged me back. – I missed you too. But just a tiny bit. – she joked.

– Stupid. – I smiled at her once I let her go.

We both walked to my car and I helped her put her bags in the trunk before going inside and driving towards her house.

– So, how was the trip? – I asked.

– Great! Minus the business part. – she said as she wrinkled her nose.

– Obviously.

– We should go out tomorrow night. – she suggested.

– We really should. – I agreed and smiled.

– Okay, it's a date. And the twins should come as well. I'll give a call to the rest of the group. Have you seen any of them lately?

– Not really. Since what happened with James and stuff I haven't really hung out with them. – I shrugged.

– Oh, right. How's that going by the way?

– He got notified. We're going to trial. – I sighed.

– That's good, right? – I gave her a look. – No? Okay...

– I'm just scared. What if he goes free?

– He won't. Stop being such a pessimist. – I rolled my eyes. – No one will let him hurt you again even if he goes free.

– You and the twins are constantly saying that but you know that's not true. You can't just follow me everywhere and protect me at all times. It's impossible.

– But we'll always do the best we can to prevent anything from happening.

– I know. – I said as I parked my car in front of her place.

– Are you going back to the twins'? – she asked.

– Yup. – I nodded.

– Okay. I'll catch you at their place tomorrow night.

– Sure. – I said as she grabbed her bags.

– See you tomorrow! – she waved and I waved back at her.


I got dressed in some jeans and a top along with a pair of sneakers. We were heading to the center of the city to a small party, which didn't require us to dress anything fancy, but rather some comfortable clothes.

– Guys are you ready?! – I yelled at them from the kitchen. I had been waiting for them to get ready for around one hour when I heard a car honking. – Joan's here! Hurry!

I sighed and texted Joan, telling her to wait inside the car for some minutes. Then I heard Bill walk down the stairs.

– I'm ready. – he said.

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