Trouble in paradise

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– Uhm, hi. I'm Avery. – I shook her hand, giving her a rather fake smile.

– Avery? – I heard Tom calling for me.

– Downstairs. – I told him before I took another look at the woman in front of me.

– Vanessa? – Tom sounded surprised.

– Tom! – she walked inside the house nearly making me fall over and ran towards Tom's arms. I inhaled deeply before closing the door.

I turned to them again to see them hugging. I gave Tom a 'what the fuck?' look and he gave me a 'I have no clue' look.

– I'm so sorry for what happened to Bill. – she told him, grabbing both his hands. I was furious. I didn't have to watch that.

– Yeah, he's getting better. – Tom told her.

– I flew here as soon as I got a break from work.

– What do you mean you "flew"? – he frowned.

– Oh, I moved to New York a couple of months ago. I got a job there. – she explained.

– Oh, congratulations. – I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

– Thanks! – I heard her acute and annoying voice. It gave me shivers.

– Where are you staying? – he asked.

– Well... – she paused. – I thought maybe I could stay here? I'm just staying for a couple of days since I have to go back to New York pretty soon. – I almost choked on my water. I put the glass down and walked over to them again.

– Oh. – Tom gave it a thought.

– For old times' sake? – she nearly begged. Yeah, right. Good luck sweetie. He hates you.

– Yeah, sure. Why not? – he shrugged. I widened my eyes. What the actual fuck?!

– Thank you! – she almost yelled, lounging at him again. I gave Tom a furious look and he mumbled a 'sorry'.

– Uhm, Vanessa. This is Avery, my girlfriend. – Tom pointed at me after she finally let him go.

– Oh, we've already met. – she said, looking at me.

– You have? – he glanced at me.

– At the door. I suppose you're Tom's friend. – I asked her.

– Yes. We've been friends for over five years. Quite a long time. – she had a huge smile across her face. It made me want to puke. – You both live here?

– Yes, with Bill. – Tom answered.

– Well, this is quite inconvenient then. I should probably get a hotel room or something.

– No, it's totally fine. – I said quickly. If that was what Tom wanted, I would give it to him. He had given her permission to stay anyway. Tom raised an eyebrow at me and I gave him a fake smile.

– Thank you, really. – she said before there was a moment of silence. – I guess I'll grab my bags then.

– I'll help you. You can stay in the guests' room. – Tom told her.

– And I'm going to shower. – I told him and walked upstairs as fast as I could.

I sat down on Tom's bed after having a refreshing shower. I kept thinking about how I would survive days living with the woman who had broken the heart of the man I loved. The woman who had the same tastes as him and was perfect for him as he once told me. I was jealous. I couldn't even try to hide it. After all I had very little in common with Tom. And he pissed me off, and I pissed him off. I inhaled deeply at the thought of his feelings for her being ignited again because of her constant presence. I was scared.

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