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I woke up suddenly as I felt two strong arms carrying me. I sighed in relief when I realized it was just Tom.

– You scared me. – I whispered.

– I'm sorry. – he said before stepping into his bedroom.

– What time is it? – I frowned. I remembered I was on the couch watching a movie.

– 2am. You fell asleep. – he said.

– I could've stayed on the couch. – I said coldly as he laid me on his bed. I pulled the covers over me and turned my back on him.

– Avery... – he whispered.

– What? – I rolled my eyes.

– I'm sorry. – he suddenly said. My heart dropped.

– Whatever. – I felt my eyes water.

– I mean it. – he insisted.

– Leave. – I told him before I let some tears run down my cheeks.

– I-

– Leave, Tom. – I interrupted him, holding back a sob.

– I just need to ask you a question. – he insisted. I took a deep breath in order to calm down.

– What?

– Did you mean it? – he asked and I frowned.

– What are you talking about? – I wiped my tears before facing him.

– Did you mean it when you told me you loved me? – he finally asked and I widened my eyes. I was furious.

– Is this a fucking joke to you?! – I nearly yelled as I sat up on his bed.

– What? No, I-

– You kissed me! And because of that I poured my heart out to you and you rejected me like I was a fucking toy! – I said furiously.

– Avery-

– Just leave me the fuck alone. – I laid down and turned my back on him once again.

– I'm not leaving. – I heard him sitting on the bed, closer to me.

– I don't want you anywhere near me. – I moved away from him, towards the edge of the bed.

– I'm sorry. I'm sorry if you felt rejected. I didn't mean to-

– You hurt me. – I couldn't keep it inside anymore and let out a sob.

– I love you. – he said out of nowhere. My heart skipped a beat. Was I hallucinating?

– What? – I whispered as I faced him again.

– I said I love you. – he repeated.

– God, Tom. Stop playing me around! – I cried out desperately.

– I'm serious, Avery.

– I'm not a toy you can play with! I've had enough of that from James.

– I know. I'm so sorry for every time I hurt you. I wish I could take it all back. You have to believe me, Avery. – I heard his voice cracking. – Please.

I didn't say a word and neither did he for quite a while. I didn't know if I could trust him. I loved him, that was for sure. But how could I be sure of what he said he felt for me? Sometimes he was the sweetest person, yet five seconds later he treated me like garbage. What was I supposed to think? This was so messed up.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard him speak again.

– I'm sorry. – he repeated.

– I heard you the first time... – I sighed. – ... and I forgive you. – I had no idea of what I was doing. It was as if my brain was making me say things I didn't want to say.

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