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5 days later...

Tom had spent most of his time inside Bill's room. I had barely seen him until the day I could finally leave the hospital. Joan's funeral would be on the following week and I had to get mentally prepared for the trial against James. I had almost forgotten he existed. How would I go through everything without Joan? I felt so alone.

– Next week you must come here so we can take the plaster off of your arm. Until then be careful with your movements. Don't strain yourself. – the doctor said and I nodded.

I walked out of the room to find Tom waiting for me. He had the same clothes from two days before, and his beard was much longer. He was a wreck. He gestured me to follow him and I did so until we got to his car. I didn't dare to say anything during the whole trip back home. I could feel tension between us. And I could sense his lack of patience every time we had to stop at a red light.

We arrived at the house and he parked the car before stepping out and shutting the door of the car loudly before walking inside the house. I frowned and got out of the car, following him inside. I walked up to his bedroom where he had walked into and opened the door.

– Tom?

– Leave. – he said from his bathroom. I frowned and decided to wait for him.

He stepped out of the bathroom with teary eyes after a few seconds.

–I fucking told you to leave. – he said as he walked out of his bedroom furiously. Then I suddenly heard him opening and closing drawers from my bedroom, but before I could walk over to him to check what he was doing I watched him walk downstairs with some of my stuff on his hands. I followed him immediately.

– Tom- – I tried to say something but stopped when I saw him opening the front door and throwing my stuff out the door.

– I want you out of here. – he said all of a sudden.

– What? – I frowned, confused.

– I said I want you out of here! – he yelled before grabbing a bag of mine and throwing it out the door.

– Tom, stop! – I yelled back at him with tears in my eyes. I tried to grab him but instead he grabbed my left arm and walked outside, pulling me with him. – Let me go! What the fuck has gotten into you?!

– It should have happened to you!

– Stop! – I whimpered. He finally let go of my arm.

– Why did it happen to Bill?! It should have happened to you! How the fuck am I supposed to live without him?! – I let myself fall down on the floor. I couldn't believe my ears.

– It's not my fault... – I finally let the tears run down my cheeks.

– It's Joan's fault! – he yelled.

– Don't say that... – he was out of his mind. He kicked my bag before turning his back on me and walking back inside the house, closing the door behind him with full force, and leaving me completely broken on the floor.

A teardrop suddenly fell on my head and I looked up at the grey sky before I looked around at all my clothes and my bag that were lying on the floor along with my car keys.

– Shit. – I sobbed, grabbed my car keys and got up. I opened my car's trunk and struggled to grab all of my things and put them in the trunk before it started raining heavily.

I was soaking wet by the time I managed to get everything into the car. I opened the door and got inside the car, realizing I couldn't even drive because of my right arm. I hit my steering wheel in anger before I crashed my back onto my seat and took a deep breath.

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