A taste of freedom

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1 month later...

I had been spending a lot more time away from James, even though it sometimes cost me some more bruises. Between hanging out with the twins and the rest of the group and finding a job, it left me with nearly no time to deal with James or the problems he caused me.

I wanted to focus on my future, I had already sent my CV to several hospitals and clinics. They always took a huge amount of time to give some feedback, so I had been waiting and living aimlessly.

What kept me going was mostly Joan. My relationship with her was what saved me nearly every day. And then the twins. I really hoped they would be the kind of people to stay by my side, just like Joan. But it was too early tell yet.


– Morning. – Bill said as he sat down in front of me at the coffee shop.

– Ugh. – I mumbled, still sleepy from last night's party.

– Grumpy, I see. – he rolled his eyes. I wrinkled my nose and glanced at him.

– Where's Tom? – I looked around.

We were the survivors of the previous night and decided to have breakfast together. I had no idea how we stuck to the plan after only two hours of sleep. But it had been like that for two weeks then. Whenever we planned something, no one ever failed to show up.

– Over there – he pointed at his brother. – trying to decide what to eat.

– I'm not even hungry. I just want to sleep.

–You should've stayed home then. Why are you here?

– Cause Joan made me come. – I laid my head on the table. Then I heard him chuckle slightly. – Stop judging. – I whispered.

– Stop embarrassing us, Avery. – I heard Tom's voice. I raised my head.

– Shh. – that was all I was able to say. Then I glanced at his coffee. – Good lord, thank you for your existence Tom Kaulitz. – I grabbed his cup of coffee and started drinking from it.

– It has no sugar. – he smirked.

– I don't even care. – I shrugged.

– Psychopath. – I watched Joan sit down with Tiffany.

– What's that supposed to mean? – Bill stared at her.

– People who drink black coffee are most likely to have psychopath tendencies. – she explained. All of a sudden Bill got up and stood next to Tom.

– What are you doing? – they looked at me with their eyes wide open. – What?! I'm not a fucking psychopath. Seriously? – I rolled my eyes and took another sip of the coffee.

– Looks like it. – Tom said and turned around to go grab more coffee for him since I stole his.

– Hey. – Joan caught my attention. – Wanna go shopping with me and Tiffany today?

– How much did you really have to drink last night anyway? – Bill asked.

– You guys ask such complicated questions. – I put my hands to my head and sighed.

– I'm guessing that's a no. – Joan said.

– Sorry. – I shrugged.

– Are you off to James' then? I'll give you a ride. – Joan gave me a look. I watched as Tom sat back down next to me.

– Yeah, just like the ride you gave me here to this coffee shop. I'll pass.

– Stop insinuating I'm a bad driver, will you?

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