From New York to Paris

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I watched the nicely dressed guy spin the russian roulette for the millionth time. Tom was on a roll, although occasionally losing some money. But overall winning. I still didn't understand that game. It was the second night we were staying there. We still had one more night to visit everything and then we would be back in L.A. the day after.

I looked around, slightly drifting away from Tom to check what other games they had. It was the 4th casino we entered that night. Tom wanted to show me everything. He hadn't played in the previous 3 casinos. So I assumed this would be the last one.

I watched as some people ruined their lives and some others felt like they had just won the lottery. I glanced at a table full of people and decided to approach it. Poker. Now that I understood. My father had taught me how to play it when I was little. 

I got so carried away watching them play that I even forgot about Tom. But not too long later I felt a hand grab my arm and I looked back immediately to see Tom with a worrisome expression.

– Where were you? – he asked and pulled me to him.

– Here. Watching this. – I pointed at the poker table.

– I got worried. – he sighed in relief.

– Why? – I frowned. – You were right over there. – I pointed at the russian roulette which was right next to the poker table.

– It can be dangerous for you to walk around all alone in these casinos.

– There's security all over. – I protested.

– Trust me. Anything can happen from dragging you into a bathroom or robbing you. So just stay close to me. – he insisted and I nodded.

I glanced over at the poker table to check how the game had turned out but it had already ended and a new one had just begun. I sighed.

– Are you enjoying this? – he asked me.

– Yeah. I used to play with my dad. But not with real money, obviously. – I chuckled slightly at the memory, despite turning my gaze away from Tom so he wouldn't notice any signs of sadness in my eyes. Or nostalgia.

– Do you want to play? – he asked.

– No way. – I shook my head.

– Are you sure? It won't hurt to play just for a while.

– Pretty sure. – I nodded.

– Okay then. Let's get out of here. I've got many other things to show you tonight. – he grabbed my hand and we walked out of the casino.

– Where are we going? – I asked him.

– To the Strip. – he answered as he called a cab.

– A strip club? – I asked outraged and he instantly laughed.

– No. – he kept laughing.

– What? – I smiled slightly at his amusement.

– The Strip is a huge boulevard with loads of attractions. – he explained as I watched a taxi pull over.

– Oooh. – I nodded.

We got into the taxi and in around five minutes we stopped. Tom paid for the ride and we stepped out.

We walked for a while through the boulevard until we reached a part that looked exactly like one of the most well-known cities of the country. New York. It was basically a replica of the city. There was a huge roller coaster, and small skyscrapers as well as a small statue of liberty which resembled the city.

After visiting that part of the Strip we took another taxi and stopped after a few minutes once again. I stepped out of the car and looked up immediately as I saw what looked like a small Eiffel Tower. I looked around and that whole place looked just like Paris. Even though I had never been to Paris.

– This is Paris. – I heard Tom.

– Kinda. – I looked at him.

– Yeah, exactly. – he smiled slightly and put his arm around my shoulders as we started walking.

That part of the city was seriously busy. I was afraid I'd lose myself so I moved closer to Tom and wrapped my arm around his waist, and he wrapped his around my shoulders as we walked. There were restaurants, stores, more casinos and hotels. Each of them with a Parisian style.

I was beyond amazed with everything that I was able to see. We approached the Eiffel Tower and stopped behind a small line of people.

– We're going up there. – Tom said.

– Are you serious? – I widened my eyes.

– Are you afraid of heights? – he asked.

– No.

– Then yes, I'm serious. – he kissed my temple as I smiled.

After a while we were both on the top of the tower. I moved towards the edge and glanced down. I stepped back immediately, nearly stepping on Tom's feet.

– Woah. – he held me. – Don't look down. Just look at the city. – he told me. I carefully put my hands on the guard-rail that surrounded that space.

I looked at the city instead of looking down this time. I could see the whole Strip. There were so many colorful lights which lighted up the whole city. I could see every building and people looked like ants from up there.

– This is... – I was at a loss of words.

– I know. – Tom chuckled.


Once we were back in the streets I followed Tom as he crossed the street to the other side.

– That's the Hotel Cassino Bellagio. It's the most famous hotel of the city. – he said.

– Why?

– You'll see. – he showed me a sweet smile as he grabbed my hand. We walked towards the hotel and stopped once we reached a crowd of people. – Come here, otherwise you won't be able to see a thing. – Tom said as he suddenly grabbed me by my waist and pulled me up. I instantly wrapped my legs around his waist and one of my arms around his neck.

From up there I could see a huge fountain and a choreographed water performance accompanied by lights and music. I glanced at Tom who was staring at me, smiling.

– That's amazing! – I said in total amazement and he smiled wide. I turned my attention back to the water show.

After a while the show was over and Tom let me down onto the floor again.

– They play it every 15 minutes or so at night. – Tom told me.

– How many times have you seen all of this? – I asked him.

– "All of this"? – he repeated. – There's still so much you haven't seen yet. – he smiled. I looked at my phone to check the time.

– It's 3 am. – I told him.

– We still have one more night. I promise I'll show you everything there is to see.


We went back to the hotel to finally get some rest. I dressed Tom's shirt just like the day before and sat on the bed, waiting for him to get out of the bathroom. I laid down as I heard him washing his teeth and closed my eyes. I could feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep when I suddenly felt Tom's embrace.

– You tired? – he asked as he pulled the sheets over our bodies. I simply nodded. – Did you enjoy it? – he caressed my hair.

– Very much. – I smiled. – What is there left to see? – I asked, curious.

– We'll get there. – he answered.

– I hate when you're mysterious. – I complained and he chuckled.

– You'll love it. – he assured me.

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