The Truth

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I woke up a little dazzled from the sun shining through the windows of my bedroom. I missed living in that house so much. I got up from my bed and walked into my bathroom to wash my face before I walked to the kitchen.

– Mom? – I looked around. Then I took a look at the time, realizing it was the middle of the afternoon already. Jet-lag. I sighed and decided to grab a bowl to eat some cereal.

I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch before turning the TV on. I grabbed my phone as I ate a spoon of cereal. I had had no more calls from Tom since the night before. I suddenly frowned at the thought of him being with Vanessa during all that time.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I looked through the window and saw a black car with dark windows parked in front of my house. I thought it was odd. I left my bowl on the coffee table and walked towards the front door to check if it was locked. I took a deep breath as I realized it was. I walked towards the window again. No one had come out of the car. I felt unsafe and my anxiety was rising as I thought I had no one to call if something happened.

I took a better look at the car to notice how it was a rental and suddenly I remembered I had seen that same car the day before, parked in the same spot, when I walked inside my mom's house once I arrived. Was someone watching me? I shivered. It had been a whole day since I had the feeling that I was being followed anywhere I went. I pushed those thoughts aside, as it would be stupid to think that someone had followed me all the way from LA to Washington.

I walked back to the couch to finish eating. I turned off the TV so I was able to listen to the sounds from outside the house. Then I started being paranoid again. I ran to the kitchen to put my bowl in the sink and then walked around the house to check if all the windows were properly closed.

I was about to go in my bedroom when I heard a car pull over. I widened my eyes in fear as my heartbeat quickened. I walked towards the window slowly and suddenly the doorbell rang. I watched as a taxi drove away and I nearly jumped when I suddenly heard someone knock on the door instead of ringing the doorbell.

– Avery? I know you're in there, open the door. – I heard Tom's voice.

I finally exhaled the air I was holding inside my lungs as a wave of relief hit me. But what was Tom doing there? I slowly unlocked the door and opened it. As soon as I laid eyes on him he pulled me to him and hugged me.

– Finally. – he let out. I was reluctant and still confused. I glanced at the dark car that was still in the same spot and saw shadows of people inside it. I shivered.

– I can't be here. – I nearly whispered without taking my eyes off of the car.

– What? – Tom let me go and looked at me, frowning.

– I have to go inside. – I grabbed his arm to pull him inside. – Don't just stand there! – I complained. Once he was inside the house I locked the door and rested my back against it as I sighed deeply.

– What's wrong? – he looked at me worried. I thought about telling him of what had been happening since the day before but I decided not to. I didn't want him to think I was really crazy, not after what I did to Vanessa or how I left to Washington without saying a single word.

– Nothing. – I shook my head.

– Then what just happened? – he insisted.

– I said "nothing". What the hell are you doing here? – I asked impatiently as I walked towards the living room.

– We need to talk. – he followed me.

– I don't want to talk to you. – I sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote. Not even two seconds later he grabbed the remote from my hand, taking it away from me. I gave him a furious look.

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