Vegas, baby

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– Do you have everything? – Tom asked as I arrived downstairs with my suitcase and I nodded.

– Yup. – I smiled.

– The taxi's outside waiting. I'll take your bag. – he grabbed my suitcase and we walked outside where he put it in the taxi's trunk. Then he locked the door of his house and walked over to me.

– Where did you leave the dogs? – I glanced at the house.

– Oh, whenever we're out a friend of ours comes over and takes them to take care of them.

– Trustworthy?

– Yes. – he smiled and opened the door of the taxi for me.

– Better be. – I went inside the taxi as I heard him chuckle. He went into the passenger's seat and the taxi driver drove us to the airport.

Once we arrived, we grabbed our suitcases and walked into the airport, towards the check-in area. I grabbed my passport as it was my turn and Tom walked with me too. I handed the lady my passport.

– Mrs. Avery. – she said and I nodded. – Have a good trip. And happy birthday by the way. – she said suddenly as she handed me my passport and the airplane ticket. I almost widened my eyes.

– Thanks. – I smiled politely. Tom glanced at me with wide eyes before handing his own passport to the lady. I stepped away from the counter and waited for him. Once he was done he smiled at her and walked over to me.

– Are you serious?! – he whispered once he was close to me. I shut my eyes close with full force.

– I'm sorry? – I opened them again to see the seriousness plastered across his face.

– Why didn't you tell me?

– You never asked. – I shrugged.

– I didn't have to ask. – he rolled his eyes. – You could've just told me.

– So what? It's just another day. – I grabbed my suitcase again.

– It's your birthday, Avery. – he grabbed my hand, preventing me from walking away from him. – Is it why you wanted this trip? – he raised his eyebrow.

– Maybe. – I answered and he sighed. – It's not even a big deal, Tom.

– I love you, and I didn't even know when your birthday was. It is a big deal.

– Well- – I tried to say something but I suddenly felt his soft lips on mine and his hands holding my face and caressing my cheeks. I was caught by surprise but managed to return the kiss. – What was that for? – I asked as we broke the kiss.

– Happy birthday. – he said sweetly. I smiled.

– Thanks.

– You're really silly. You know that, right? – he asked and we both chuckled.

– I know. I'm sorry. – he put his arm around my shoulders and we started walking towards security check.

Once we were done with security Tom held my hand and we both walked towards the gate from where we would board the plane.

We boarded the plane after the gate opened and sat down in our seats. I sat down by a window and he sat next to me after putting our luggage in the cabins.

– I can't believe you're 25 years old. – he said.

– Why not?

– Cause you still look like a child. – he giggled.

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