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2 months later...

– Do you really have to go? – I stared at the ceiling of Joan's bedroom.

– It's a business trip. Of course I have to go. – she answered.

– Yeah, and holidays. – I rolled my eyes.

– One week of work, and another one of full rest. – she smiled.

– God, I hate you. – I rolled around her bed.

– No, you don't. You're just jealous. – she giggled.

– I'm not. – I got up to help her with her bags.

– Yes, you are. And you'll miss me.

– Stop being cocky. – I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my car keys.

– Stop being annoying then. – she backfired.

We walked down her stairs and into my car. I helped her put her bags in the trunk and then I sat on the driver's seat.


We arrived at the airport and had something to eat before she had to pass through security.

– Will you be okay? – she asked while searching for her passport in her bag.

– Yeah, I'll be fine.

– What about James?

– What about him?

– Don't let him bother you. Please.

– I'll try. – I shrugged and she suddenly hugged me after getting a hold of her passport. I sighed. – I'll miss you. – I heard her giggle.

– I know. – she let me go. – Gotta go. I'll make sure to call you whenever I can. – she said and waved at me.

– Alright. – I waved at her before I went back to my car. My phone started ringing so I picked it up. It was Tom.

– You're late. Where are you? – he sounded moody.

– Just dropped Joan off at the airport. – I said as I started driving. – I'll be there soon.

– Okay, hurry. – he hung up.


I arrived at the twins' place and they were already waiting for me inside Bill's car. I stopped my car next to his and opened the passenger's window.

– They're anxious and getting on my nerves. – Bill said and pointed at their dogs that wouldn't stop moving around in the car's trunk. I giggled.

– Sorry. – I glanced at Tom sitting on the passenger seat next to Bill, staring at his phone in his hands. I frowned. – Just lead the way. – I told Bill.

We arrived at the beach after a while and got out of the cars. I walked over to them to help them put the leash on the dogs.

– Here. – Tom gave me his dog's leash. – You get to take him today.

– What? Why? You never let me take him.

– My arm hurts. – he answered.

– Yeah, sure. – I mocked him and Bill gave me a look as if to tell me that Tom was moody. I rolled my eyes and started walking towards the sand with Tom's dog and the twins walking behind me with Pumba.

Tom sat down on the sand while me and Bill unleashed the dogs so they could run free for a while as usual. Then we both sat down next to Tom. It was silent for a while until Bill broke the silence.

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