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Around two hours later Tom cooked dinner for the three of us and we were all eating in silence until Vanessa broke it.

– I'm sorry about earlier. – she said. – I didn't mean to upset you, Avery.

I suddenly felt Tom's eyes on me, as if telling me to keep calm.

– Don't worry. It's not a big deal after all. – I shrugged. – And thank you for sympathizing with the situation. – I added, cynically.

– No need to thank me. – she shook her head from side to side. – It could happen to anyone, really. – she made it sound unimportant. I wanted to slap her.

– How did you know about this anyway? – Tom asked her suddenly and I almost widened my eyes.

– Well you told me just yesterday silly! – she chuckled slightly and looked confused. My chest tightened. I felt betrayed.

– No, I didn't. – he frowned and shook his head.

– Yes, you did. – she nodded. – Perhaps you were a bit tipsy already and don't remember. – she shrugged. – How else would I know?

– I don't-... – Tom glanced at me and I stared at my food. – Uhm, anyway, how was your day? – Tom asked her, trying to change the subject.

– Amazing! I missed shopping in L.A. so much. – she answered. – What about yours? Avery told me you spent the day at the studio. Is it still the same one?

– No. We changed into another one last year. – he said.

– Oh. I'd love to visit it! Can I?

– Sure. I'm heading there tomorrow afternoon. I have a meeting in the morning. – he answered.

– I uh-... I think I'm calling it a day. – I interrupted them as I got up. Tom looked at me as I grabbed my plate and placed it on the sink. Vanessa kept talking.

– Sounds fine. – she agreed.

– Do you want to go, Avery? – he asked me.

– No. Tiffany is going to pick me up to go shopping with her. – I was actually relieved that Tiffany had invited me. A day without having to see Vanessa's face was a sacred day. I turned my back on them before I would crumble into tears and walked upstairs to the bedroom to change into my pyjamas.


I woke up the next morning on the couch when I heard someone walk down the stairs.

– Yeah I'm leaving the house and I'll be there in five. – I heard Tom's voice. He was talking on the phone. – Okay, bye. – he hung up.

I kept staring at the TV as I could see his reflection on it. I could see him grabbing a jacket and his car keys. Then he glanced at the couch and started walking towards it. I closed my eyes immediately. I could feel him near me until I heard him walking away. I opened my eyes again to see him stepping out of the house, slamming the door loudly.

I frowned. He was probably mad at me because of what I had said the day before. Or because I actually slept on the couch. Or because I didn't believe him. I felt a pain in my chest. I hated when we were mad at each other.

I got up from the couch and walked to Tom's bedroom to get dressed and have breakfast before Tiffany picked me up.


– This one is so pretty! – Tiffany exclaimed as she looked at the 10th dress she had tried on.

All I could think of was getting back home.

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