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I sensed something wet on my cheeks once I woke up and I rolled over before I heard Bill's voice.

– No, Pumba! – he yelled, which made me wake up fully. I groaned at his dog which was licking me all over my face. – Sorry, Avery. – he apologized, grabbing Pumba and putting him down on the floor.

I watched Pumba as he tried to climb back onto the bed countless of unsuccessful times and I couldn't help but start laughing. Bill watched my reaction and then Tom walked in the room as well.

– Oh you found him. – he said, widening his eyes.

– A bit too late. – Bill shrugged. I glanced at both of them before hiding my head under the covers.

– I hate you both. – I mumbled.

– Actually, you only hate Pumba. – Bill said.

– You're his owner, therefore I hate you too.

– Are you sure? – he asked.

– Positive. – he stayed silent for a while. I uncovered my head to check why he hadn't said anything and then I suddenly saw him helping Pumba up my bed again. – No!! – I almost yelled. I could hear Tom laughing as I got attacked by the English bulldog's tongue. – Pumba, stop! – I rolled over again. – Ouch! – I yelled as I felt one of his paws pressing against one of the bruises on my arm.

– Okay, that's enough now. – I watched as Tom walked over to my bed noticing why I yelled and pulling Pumba away from me.

– Overbearing, over protective, over annoying... – I heard Bill as he walked out of the bedroom and Tom rolled his eyes at him.

– So are you! – he told his brother before following him out of the room.

– Liar! – I heard Bill yell.

– Over childish!!! – I yelled at them both and silence came upon the bedrooms and the hallway.

Some seconds passed by and I still heard no sound. They were planning something. I finally decided to get up, groaning once I did it way too fast. I got dizzy so I sat down on the floor with my back against the bed and lifted my shirt when I noticed I had blood on it. I widened my eyes as I saw a huge purple spot on my stomach.

– Shit. – I looked around. – Tom?! – I received no answer. – Tom, I'm not playing around! My stomach's bleeding! – all of a sudden I heard both the twins hurry back to my bedroom and Tom kneeled down beside me, lifting my shirt to check the wound.

– Damn it. – he looked at Bill who had a worrisome expression on his face. – Get her some comfortable clothes, we're going to the hospital. – Bill nodded and started going through my drawers. – Can you stand? – Tom asked and I nodded. He slowly helped me get up and Bill handed me a sweater and some jeans.

– Is this okay? – he asked.

– Sure. – I nodded before they got out of the bedroom so I could get dressed.

Once I was done I stepped out of the bedroom to find the twins waiting for me.

– I can't bend down to tie my shoelaces. – I said. Bill immediately walked up to me and kneeled down to tie them. I watched as Tom suddenly turned his back on us and walked downstairs rather quickly. – What happened? – I looked down at Bill.

– He's beating himself up for not taking you to the hospital right away once we brought you here. – he sighed.

– It's not his fault. I told him I was fine and refused to go.

– Yeah, but you know him. – he got back up and helped me walk down the stairs and towards his car which apparently Tom would be driving. Bill got into the backseats with me and put mine and his seatbelt on.

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