Wrath day

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Guys this story is almost over! I really hope you enjoy reading the next chapters as much as I enjoyed writing them!

See u soon~~~


2 weeks later...

I grabbed the millionth tissue from my nightstand that morning. I had been sick in bed for two days and the worst part was that I had a booked flight back to LA on that day. I got up from bed after drinking a tea my mom had made me and started packing my bags.

– How are you feeling? – my mom asked me as she walked inside the room.

– Worse. – I said with a hoarse voice.

– Can't you cancel the flight? – she asked and I shook my head from side to side.

– I would lose my money. – I told her.

– I'll help you then. – she said before folding some of my clothes.


After lunch my mom drove me to the airport so I wouldn't have to call for a taxi.

– Here we are. – she said after stopping the car.

– Thanks. – I managed to say. I felt her hand on my forehead all of a sudden.

– Your fever is getting higher. You should've stayed in your bed. – she said.

– Don't worry, I'll be fine. – I tried to reassure her.

– I love you. Make sure you visit us more often. – she said, smiling.

– Love you too. I will. – I grabbed my bag and stepped out of the car. – Bye. – I waved at her.

– Bye sweetie! – she said before driving away.


I arrived at LA feeling worse than ever. I was shaking and freezing but still managed to walk to where I had left my car. I started the engine and finally drove to Tom's place.

I spent the whole car ride groaning in pain and feeling weaker and weaker. Once I finally got to Tom's house I parked my car in the driveway and stepped out after grabbing my bag.

I walked up to the front door and rang the bell. My vision was blurry and I felt like I would pass out at any given moment. The door finally opened after some seconds and I saw Tom standing there. He was wearing sweatpants and a shirt and his eyes looked tired and heavy.

– Are you here to grab the rest of your stuff? – he asked. All I was able to do was shake my head from side to side before I finally gave in to the fever and felt myself faint and falling. – Avery! – Tom widened his eyes and managed to grab me before I fell to the floor.

I groaned in pain as he picked me up and closed the door with his foot. He walked towards his bedroom and laid me on his bed, under the covers. I closed my eyes as I felt myself shaking more and more and I suddenly felt his cold hand on my forehead.

– You're burning, Avery. – he said and I opened my eyes slightly to look at him. – I'll be right back, don't move. – I watched him as he walked out of the bedroom.

Around five minutes later I saw him walk towards me holding a cup of tea in one of his hands and a towel in the other. He placed the cup on the nightstand and then proceeded to put the small towel on my forehead. The towel was wet in cold water and I felt relief once it touched my skin. I glanced at Tom to see a worrisome expression on his face as he sat beside me.

– You're mad at me, aren't you? – I asked and he frowned.

– No, I'm not. I shouldn't have done what I did. I shouldn't have done a lot of things, actually. – he admitted.

– Why did you do all those things? – I frowned.

– Because you're the most important thing I have in my life. I just didn't want to lose you like I almost did when I took you into this house after James almost killed you. – I heard him sigh as he moved closer to me. – I'm sorry, baby. – he whispered as he stroked my cheek.

– I know... – I told him. – You're gonna get sick too if you stay this close to me. – I warned him.

– Don't worry. – he shook his head. – You should drink the tea. – he said and grabbed the cup of tea he had brought. I shook my head from side to side. – It will make you feel better. – he insisted.

– Tom, I- – I paused as a wave of dizziness hit me and I felt myself losing my senses again.

– What? – he grabbed my face gently. – What is it, Avery? – he asked impatiently and worried but I didn't find the strength to say anything else. – That's it. I'm taking you to the hospital. – he suddenly said.

– No. – I managed to say as he was about to grab me. – Please don't. – I begged and he stopped.

– You're not fine, Avery.

– I am. I just need to rest. – I said before laying my head on the pillow once again. I heard him sigh deeply before pulling the covers over me once again.

– I'm going to the kitchen to check if I have any medication then. I'll be right back. – he said and I nodded before he stepped out of the room. I closed my eyes in hope of catching some sleep but the pain wouldn't let me.

A few minutes later Tom walked back into the bedroom. I opened my eyes when I heard his steps.

– There's nothing that will make you feel better. I'm going to the pharmacy. – he said as he opened the wardrobe and grabbed a jacket. – I called one of my bodyguards so he will stay outside. He'll be here any minute. – he told me quickly. I gave him a look immediately.

– You have got to be kidding me. – I told him, with an almost inaudible voice.

– Avery-

– We've had this conversation. – I interrupted him. He took a deep breath and walked closer to me.

– Fine. I'll tell him not to come. – he gave up. – But you'll call me immediately if something happens. Promise me. – he raised an eyebrow.

– I promise. – I nodded before he kissed my forehead.

– I'll be right back. – he said before exiting the room in a rush.


Ten minutes had passed since Tom had left the house. I looked around his bedroom and decided to get up slowly to search for the remote so I could be entertained watching TV.

I was about to go back into bed once I found the remote when suddenly the doorbell rang. I frowned. Had he really called his stupid bodyguard?

I threw the remote onto the bed and grabbed my phone. I called Tom as I stepped out of the bedroom and walked down the stairs. He picked up in an instant.

– Avery? Is everything okay? – I heard his worrisome voice.

– I told you I didn't want any of your fucking bodyguards around! – I yelled at him furiously as I walked towards the front door.

– What do you mean? I called him again and told him I didn't need him. – he said and as he finished the sentence I opened the door and my heart stopped immediately.

– Well, it took you a while to open this damn door.

– Avery? Who's there with you?! – I heard Tom over the phone.

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